Acquired Immunity Part 2 Activated Lymphocytes Divide over and over again by mitosis and produce antibodies specific to antigens Antibodies find antigens to bind to All antibodies show up in the blood stream Antibody Structures IGG Antibody that sticks around the longest IGA Secretory Antibody lymphocyte mucosal membranes IGM First class gets produced early on in the infection Immune System Effectors Antibody sticks to whole surface of microbe Opsonization Helping out phagocytic cells easier for macrophages to bind to the microbe Activation of Complement System fixation Antibodies stuck to surface triggering activation on surface big holes punches in living cells that kills Agglutination Clumping together Neutralization of Viruses Virus gets coated with antibody Precipitation of Cell Free Molecules Antibodies attach to toxin molecule toxin no longer functions Cell Mediated Immunity Function of T Cells Primary defense against intracellular pathogens viruses and protozoa Effector is cytotoxic T Cells CTLs Cytotoxic T Cells have to have signal from other cells to recognize cells with intracellular pathogens Class 1 MHC helps display antigens Lymphotoxins act on infected cell and kills off host cell and stops multiplication from occurring o Disrupts cell membrane and metabolism o Initiates apoptosis programmed cell death or time to die Other Cells of Acquired Immunity 1 Antigen Presenting Cells Antigen Processing Cells Phagocytic cells Macrophages and dendritic APC s engulf microorganisms and kill pathogen antigen molecule gets released in macrophage and ends up on the surface of macrophage boosting signal Class 1 and Class 2 are helper molecules APC helps to activate T Helper Cells 2 T Helper Cells A type of lymphocyte TH1 Helps out cytotoxic T Lymphocytes can produce different lymphokines TH2 Helps out B Lymphocytes Measuring Immune Response Immune response curve explains how immune system reacts to antigens over time Memory cells are types of lymphocytes Curve Primary response First exposure to antigen Memory cell produced IgM produced first before IgG Secondary Response Subsequent exposure to very same antigen No latent period Protective response because memory cells are produced in the first response Memory Cells Partially activated Anamnestic Response Memory
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