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Test 3 Types of Drugs shrooms Who uses drugs Drugs substances that have psychological or physical effects example alcohol caffeine heroin etc Narcotics drugs that are considered illegal today example cocaine pcp opium etc Drug Use act of internally processing chemical substances other than food that have physical effects Drug Abuse use of drugs despite adverse consequences Addiction chronic condition that can include both a psychological and or physiological compulsion towards drug seeking and use May recognize consequences but continue to use stimulants type of drug that excites the body and stimulates the brain and central nervous system example caffeine cocaine ecstasy meth tobacco depressants type of drug that slows the activity of vital organs in the body to create a relaxed feeling example alcohol muscle relaxers opium marijuana hallucinogens type of drug that distorts the senses and creates hallucinations LSD DMT PCP most ages 18 25 last month 20 used drugs who have tried marijuana o 26 42 o 26 16 Since 2000 teen drug use has declined by race Asians Hispanics White American Indians Black mixed race income as they get older drug users tend to have a smaller income Reasons for Drug Use Biological predisposition to addiction Socialization o peers those who use drugs are friends with others who use drugs o Peers influence you o selection effect seek others like yourself Medicalization process by which we expand the use of medical solutions to nonmedical problems Symbolic interactionism approach to drug use How does society define a drug what impacts out viewpoint Functionalist approach drugs have positive negative potential retreatism the response of a person who has given up on trying to achieve the goals of society because he or she believes those goals have no merits Conflict theory inequalities in booking sentencing race class divides o black arrested for drugs at anywhere between 2 8 times to 5 5 times the rate of whites Sex the biological makeup of males and females OR activities that lead to sexual gratification and the possibility of reproduction Gender personal traits and position in society connected with being male or female Gender identity the psychological sense of one s self as male or female Transgender people whose gender identity or gender expression differs from that associated with their birth sex Sexual orientation an enduring pattern of emotional romantic and or sexual attractions to men women or both sexes Heterosexual those who hate emotional romantic or sexual attractions to members of the opposite sex Homosexual those who hate emotional romantic or sexual attractions to members of the same sex Bisexual those who hate emotional romantic or sexual attractions to both men and women SEX Sexual Identity behavior weird Blacks are more likely to support gay rights but less likely to be tolerant to homosexual Discrimination 18 of hate crimes are against sexual orientation Gay youth are more likely to be suicidal than heterosexuals homophobia negative attitudes or feelings against homosexuals or people in the GLBT community Heterosexual most common followed by homosexual followed by bisexual 9 of men partake in homosexual activity only 2 8 identify themselves as gay 5 of women partake in homosexual activity only 1 4 identify themselves as gay Reproduction of Birth Control Abortion termination and removal of a fetus from a woman s uterus before birth Roe v Wade constitution protects abortion although it can still be restricted Prostitution the unlawful promotion of or participation in sexual activities for profit Includes solicitation of customers and transport of persons for prostitution or operating an establishment where prostitution is performed Nevada is the only state where it s legal only in some places Becoming a prostitute drift change from casual sex to the first incident of exchanging sex for money transition approximately 6 month period in which women try to rationalize their behavior as normal professionalism point at which women identify themselves as prostitutes Sex tourism act of people from wealthy nations traveling to less developed countries for sexual acts that may or may not be legal in their home country Objectification treating a person as a thing or object without concern for his or her personal characteristics Commodification transformation of relationships that were formerly unrelated to commerce into economic relationships built on buying and selling Human trafficking being bought and sold against your will not always just sex trafficking can be for farm labor sweat shops organ selling etc Pornography definition of pornography is heavily debated in 1957 course said porn is something that appeals to a lust oriented interest in se is in opposition to accepted community standards and has no redeeming social value Resulting social problems o aggression towards women o correlation with increased rapes Evidence is NOT conclusive Theoretical approaches Queer theory body of theory and research that seeks to neutralize the heterosexual bias in the US Turns to historical literature to point out that sexuality is constantly changing over time Conflict theory heterosexuals as the dominant group of society others are abnormal Men can dominate women sexually Functionalism sexuality unifies people when they couple Symbolic interactionism what is the meaning of sexuality How do we choose to label ourselves sexually RACE Race socially constructed division of people based on certain physical characteristics NOT BIOLOGICAL example native American Caucasian black Asian American pacific islander etc Ethnicity classification of people who share a common linguistic or ancestral heritage Spanish American German Irish involuntary externally defined voluntary self defined How easy is it to identify race not very easy class activity matching people with race Majority group group that has the largest population in society and hold significant power privilege Minority group any group that has a smaller population less power then the majority group Racism prejudice that asserts one race is inferior to another thus making them less worthy of fair treatment Prejudice rigid generalizations often negative about an entire category of people thoughts Stereotypes simplified and extreme perceptions of an entire group of people that are usually based on false assumptions Discrimination deliberate and unfair treatment of people based on prejudice actions Institutionalized

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FSU SYG 2010 - Test 3

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