03 24 14 Notes Drugs Definitions Drugs substances that have psychological or physical effects illegal legal general definition i e heroin alcohol caffeine Narcotics drugs that are considered illegal i e cocaine opium PCP if you don t have a prescription for it it is a narcotic Drug use has historically been a part of society act of internally processing chemical substances other than food that have physical effects Drug abuse use of drugs despite adverse consequences drinking one glass of wine beer not seen as abuse but if you have psoriasis of the liver and you still drink then it s abuse if you have lung cancer and you still smoke that could be abuse Addiction chronic condition that can include both a psychological and or physiological compulsion towards drug seeking and use beyond abuse a true need for a drug Dependency on the drug May recognize consequences but continue to use Types of Drugs categories can overlap Stimulant Type of drug that excites the body and stimulates the brain and central Type of drug that slows the activity of vital organs in the body to create a nervous system Examples o Caffeine o Ecstasy o Crystal meth o Tobacco o Adderall Depressant relaxed sleepy feeling Examples o Alcohol o Codeine o Inhalants Whipits o Muscle relaxers o Marijuana o Opium Heroin o Xanax Hallucinogens Type of drug that distorts the senses and creates hallucinations Examples o LSD acid o DMT o PCP o Mushrooms Age with Most Drug Use 18 25 Last month 20 used drugs Older than 26 tried marijuana Younger than 26 tried marijuana 42 16 Teen drug use actually has declined since 2000 By Race Have used drugs in the last month highest to lowest Lowest Asian Hispanics Whites American Indians Blacks Mixed Race By Income Younger ages negligible difference in income As they get older drug user income than non drug user 03 26 14 Notes Income Divide is increasing pic from class Reasons for Drug Use Biological predisposition to addiction does not explain why people start doing drugs but explains why they continue to use drugs Socialization Peers can influence those who use drugs are friends with others who use drugs Selection affect seek others like yourself Medicalization process by which we expand the use of medical terms and solutions to nonmedical problems Theories Symbolic Interactionism How does society define a drug What impacts our viewpoints Functionalism Drugs have positive makes you feel better and negative can cause addiction potential Retreatism the response of a person who has given up on trying to achieve the goals of society because he she believes those goals have no merit Conflict theory Inequalities in booking and sentencing People of different races ages have different sentencing lengths than others Race class divide Blacks arrested for drugs at 2 8x to 5 5x the rate of whites 03 31 14 Notes Key Terms Sex Gender Gender Identity Transgender The biological makeup of males and females OR Activities that lead to sexual gratification and the possibility of reproduction Personal traits and position in society connected with being male or female The psychological sense of one s self as male or female People whose gender identity or gender expression differs from that associated with their birth sex Sexual Orientation An enduring pattern of emotional romantic and or sexual attractions to men women or both Those who have emotional romantic or sexual attractions to Members of the opposite sex heterosexual Members of their own sex homosexual Both men and women bisexual 04 02 14 Notes More about sexual identity Intersections of race and sexual orientation Blacks discriminate more than whites against gays Blacks more likely to support gay marriage child rearing laws against employment however Discrimination Increasing acceptance of sexual orientation Most hate crimes towards sexual orientations o Gay lesbian youths greater risk for suicide Equal opportunity issues o Can t actually not hire someone because they re gay Homophobia Negative attitudes feelings towards homosexuality LGBT community Prevalence of gays in the US Most common sexuality heterosexual o Second homosexual o Third bisexual Homosexual Activity have engaged in Identify as Gay Men Women 9 4 2 8 1 4 Reproduction and Birth Control The pill is the most common birth control in the US Second is sterilization Abortion termination and removal of a fetus from a woman s uterus before birth Abortion is legal in the US but not seen as a positive thing Roe v Wade Supreme Court case 1973 woman has right to choose to abortion if she wanted to Teen pregnancy rates and abstinence sex ed programs by state correlations not causations The South has highest teen pregnancy rates Texas Arizona Oklahoma Mississippi Alabama Louisiana Kentucky Tennessee States that speak out about abstinence have lower rates of teen pregnancy Prostitution The unlawful promotion of or participation in sexual activities for profit Includes solicitation of customers and transport of persons for prostitution or operating an establishment where prostitution is performed Legality Nevada is only state that is legal only in some areas Motives for using prostitutes People who can t get someone to have sex with undesirable people people who are sexual deviants people who want a companion for a short time Who benefits o Mutually benefited o Women can make money without having to work as hard Emotional labor Becoming a prostitute Need to be able to separate emotions from their work Drift change from casual sex to first incident of exchanging sex for money o I m just going to do this one time I need some money now so it Transition approximately 6 month period in which women try to rationalize won t be for long their behavior Professionalization point at which women identify themselves as prostitutes Sex tourism act of people from wealthy nations traveling to less developed countries for sexual acts that may or may not be illegal in their home country o Treating a person as a thing or object without concern for his her Objectification personal characteristics Commodification Human trafficking o Transformation of relationships that were formerly unrelated to commerce into economic relationships built on buying and selling The recruitment transportation transfer harboring or receipt of persons by means of the threat or use of force or other forms of coercion of abduction of fraud of deception of the abuse of power or of a position of vulnerability or of the giving or receiving of
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