Murder Violent crimes Murder rape robbery and aggravated assault Homicide the willful killing of one human being by another Can be justifiable Murder an unlawful homicide Criminal homicide the causing of the death of another person without legal justification or excuse The term used by most courts First degree murder The crime of murder which is premeditated with malice aforethought Second degree murder an intentional killing that is not premeditated or planned nor committed in a reasonable heat of passion or 2 a killing caused by dangerous conduct and the offender s obvious lack of concern for human life Negligence homicide 3rd degree murder Third degree murder is when someone kills another person unintentionally usually called involuntary manslaughter For example reckless use of a motor vehicle or gun that resulted in someone s death Felony Murder A special category of murder whereby an offender who commits a crime during which someone dies can be found guilty of first degree murder even though the person committing the crime had no intention to kill anyone Sibling Offense Blocks The incident that begins the homicide The offense or incident may be a crime such as robbery or an incident that meets a less stringent criminal definition such as a lovers quarrel involving assault or battery Weapons use Instrumentality the type of weapon used in a particular encounter has an effect on whether the encounter ends in death Availability how access to guns may increase their presence in all types of interactions Serial Murder A criminal homicide that involves the killing of several victims in three or more separate incidents 3 Part Motivation Typology 1 Thrill motivated killers most common 2 Mission oriented killers 3 Expedience directed killers Serial killers 2 types sexual sadist dominance killers 2 types reformists visionary killers 2 types profit driven protection oriented killers Power seeker they want power Visionary serial killers they see things they hear voices Hedonistic serial killers they enjoy killing people Comfort serial killers they do it for money or to cover up crimes The black widow kills spouses usually for economic profit The angel of death kills those in her care or who rely on her for some form of medical attention or support Mass Murder The illegal killing of more than three individuals at a single time 3 types of contributing factors 1 Predisposers Long term and stable preconditions that become incorporated into the personality of the killer 2 Precipitants Short term and acute triggers 3 Facilitators Conditions usually situational that increase the likelihood of a violent outburst but are not necessary to produce that response The penetration no matter how slight of the vagina or anus with any body part or object or oral penetration by a sex organ of another person without the consent of the victim The carnal knowledge of a person forcibly and against their will Rape Forcible Rape past into evidence Acquaintance Rape Child Sexual Abuse Rape Shield Laws Ensure that defendants do not introduce irrelevant facts about the victim s sexual Power Rape Do not purposely set out to harm their victim generally planned Anger Rape Do purposely set out to harm their victim generally impulsive Sadistic Rape Involve a combination of power and rape motives often Involves torture Rape characterized by a prior social not necessarily intimate or familial relationship between the victim and perpetrator The vast majority of rapes Encompasses a variety of criminal and civil offenses in which an adult engages in sexual activity with a minor exploits a minor for purposes of sexual gratification or exploits a minor sexually for purposes of profit Regressed Pedophiles attracted sexually primarily to their own age groups but are passively aroused by minors Fixated Pedophiles adult pedophiles who engage in planned sexual acts with children The Motivation of Robbers Research tends to support the idea that there is very little planning in most robberies Fast cash is the direct need that robbery satisfies Street culture was the intervening force that connected background factors to the motivation to offend Aggravated Assault The unlawful attack by one person upon another wherein the offender uses a weapon or displays it in a threatening manner or the victim suffers obvious or severe bodily injury Simple Assault Assaults and attempted assaults where no weapon was used or no serious or aggravated injury resulted to the victim Stalking intimidation coercion and hazing are included Separation Assault Violence inflicted by partners on significant others who attempt to leave an intimate relationship Hate Crime A criminal offense in which the motive is hatred bias or prejudice based on the actual or perceived race color religion national origin ethnicity gender or sexual orientation of another individual or group of individuals Larceny Theft Does not involve the use of force or other means of illegal entry Two types of retail theft 1 Shoplifting 2 Theft committed by store employees Existing Account Fraud when thieves obtain account information involving credit brokerage banking or utility accounts that are already open New Account Fraud use personal information such as Social Security numbers birth dates and home addresses to open new accounts in the victim s name make charges indiscriminately and then disappear Unlike some groups of criminals identity thieves cannot be readily classified Burglary The unlawful entry into a structure for the purpose of felony commission generally a theft Joyriders Car thefts for fun The temporary use of a vehicle primarily to satisfy needs ranging from excitement to personal autonomy Fire Setters The vast majority of those involved in arson are juveniles Professional Criminal Persistent Thief Occasional Offender A criminal offender who makes a living from criminal pursuits is recognized by other offenders as professional and engages in offending that is planned and calculated A person who continues in property crimes despite no better than an ordinary level of success A criminal offender whose offending patterns are guided primarily by opportunity Low Level Burglars Primarily juveniles Middle Range Burglars Generally a bit older although they may have begun their offending in burglary as juveniles High Level Burglars Professionals Work in organized crews and are connected with reliable sources of information about targets Burglary Locales Burglars at any level may
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