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Intro Test 2 Study Guide People with higher income are more likely to drink Cigarette smoking has the opposite correlation low income people have more stress and lack of control Marihuana usage is pretty consistent among social classes Inequality Poverty and Wealth Social stratification a ranking of people and the rewards they receive based on objective criteria often including wealth power and or prestige Income money received for work or trough investments Wealth all of an individuals material possessions including income minus debt Income Distribution Richest 20 of Americans earn 50 of total income in America Poorest 20 earn 3 4 of total income Includes income and assets minus debts Tip 1 of wealth holders in US have more wealth than bottom 90 Inheritance issues come to play when it comes to this when wealthy people die they give their wealth to their kids Ability to carry out your will and impose it on others Force type of power that occurs when you make someone do something against his or her will Persuasive power using direct or indirect methods to get what you want Level of esteem associated with one s status and social standing Non monetary benefits There are prestigious occupations such as lawyer physician and doctor There are non prestigious ones such as strippers househusband sales person etc Wealth Power Prestige Is not necessarily tied to income Social Class in the US Upper class elite 1 o small in number o significant wealth o old money inherited money wealthy power prestige example the Kennedy s o new money don t inherit their wealth example Mark Zuckemberg o access to certain social circles Upper middle class 15 o high income o well educated o profession career o not the superwealthy Middle class 34 o Moderate incomes 40k 80k o Lower earning white collar workers to well paid blue collar workers o High school or college education Working class 30 o High school diploma or less o Manuel labor or clerical jobs o Limited advancement Lower class o People living in poverty o disproportionally minority black hispanic o Living paycheck to paycheck about half of children in US living in poverty Urban underclass Definitions of poverty transitional poverty Marginal poverty Residual Poverty Absolute Poverty Relative Poverty o TEMPORARY STATE OF POVERTY THAT OCCURS WHEN SOMEONE LOSES A JOB FOR A SHORT TIME o POVERTY SO SEVERE THAT ONE LACKS THE RESOURCES TO SURVIVE o THE STATE OF POVERTY THAT OCCURS WHEN WE COMPARE OURSELVES TO THOSE AROUND US Biggest expense for people is housing Theoretical Approaches Functionalism inequality is necessary to function smoothly The Unites States is a meritocracy those who get ahead in society do so according to their own merit Conflict theory workers are exploited by owners those born into high social class can stay Symbolic interactionism theory meaning behind social problems Blaming the victims of there poverty for poverty Chapter 7 Economy and Work Forms of economy the larger society Social institutions organization that provides framework for individuals to communicate with Economic systems social institutions that helps a society organize what it produces distributes and consumes including goods and services o Capitalism individual or private corporations can own and operate the production of goods make decisions about the price of goods and distribute them as they deem appropriate o Socialism resources and means of production are owned collectively by the citizens o Democratic Socialism blend of free market capitalism and govern emt regulation of Convergence theory tendency of capitalism and socialism to converge These are the main two the economy Global Economy Corporation legal entity that has some objective typically to make a profit for its owners o Can purchase property acquire debt and participate in legal contracts ransnational corporation operates in at least two countries and have the interests of its company at heart over the interest of its native land Demographics characteristics of a population that can be expressed statistically Nickel and Dimed of the author income upper middle class working poor in the book ADVANTAGE sex female DISVANTAGE mostly race white ADVANTAGE religion atheist education PhD in biology some college ADVANTAGE age 50 s middle aged DISADVANTAGE mostly marital status married divorced probably ADVANTAGE disability status no ADVANTAGE sexual orientation straight ADVANTAGE children yes out of the house ADVANTAGE Education Charter Schools nonsectarian public schools of choice that operate with freedom from many of the regulations that apply to traditional public schools funded by government not controlled the same way as public schools o o Improve student learning and academic achievement Increase learning opportunities for all students with a special emphasis on law performing students reading o encourage the use of innovative learning methods o require the measurement of learning outcomes When a group proposes a charter school they have to apply Charter schools lead to white flight segregation since all whites send their kids there No Child Left Behind Passed in 20012 Intentions Increased freedom for states communities o Stronger accountability o o Expanded use of proven education methods Increases in educational choices for parents o Achievement and progress measured trough standardized testing Key Terms Education the process by which people gain or develop knowledge Hidden curriculum lessons taught in schools that are unrelated to academic learning Literacy rate percentage of the population who can read and write We are seeing decline in high school drop out rates Higher Education Not everyone has the same chance of getting ahead Where you come from can affect what opportunities are available to you Racial disparities in college attendance Asian White Black Hispanic Academic Achievement Teacher expectancy effect impact of a teacher s expectations on a student s performance Expecting a student to do well means they generally will can impact entire school as well as individual students problem in inner city schools w high turnover Grade inflation trend of assigning higher grades than previously assigned to students for completing the same work GPA has increased in last 20yrs but did students really get better NO Education Theoretical Approaches Functionalism o How does education support society o Human capital a person s combination of skills knowledge traits and personal attitudes o Human capital allows

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FSU SYG 2010 - Inequality: Poverty and Wealth

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