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CCJ 4663 Review Sheet Exam 3 Chapter 10 The Incarceration of Women Historical trends in women s incarceration Were housed in a separate unit within the male prison o Conditions were horrendous and were characterized by excessive use of solitary confinement and significant acts of physical and sexual abuse by male inmates and male guards Changed in 1839 when first facility for women opened its doors Mount Pleasant prison annex o Had a female warden at the facility but women incarcerated here continued to experience high levels of corporal punishment and abuse at the hands of the male guards Elizabeth Fry s work in Newgate Prison served as the inspiration for the American women s prison reform movement Elizabeth Fry Organized the women at London s Newgate Prison Advocated for incarcerated women to be reformed Her work became the inspiration for the Women s prison movement in the US Served as an advocate for the children of these incarcerated women Moral Public Order offenses Sexual offenses Drunkenness Unwed pregnancies Unlawful intercourse Changes made during female prison reform Women should be under the authority of women Women should be housed in their own institutions Indiana Women s Prison First stand alone female prison First maximum security prison for women Reformatory vs Custodial Institutions Treatment orientation and philosophy o Reformatory Treatment orientation and philosophy has been criticized by feminist scholars as examples of patriarchy Women were punished for violating norms that proscribed femininity The reformatory was an attempt by society to control the autonomy of women Women received indeterminate sentences essentially until they were deemed to have been reformed o Custodial Women were simply warehoused Were for the women with little rehabilitative potential Design and Purpose of each facility o Reformatory Designed with the intent to rehabilitate female offenders Designed to improve the character of women Similar in design and purpose of male institutions Racial Ethnic composition of each facility o Custodial o Reformatory o Custodial o Reformatory o Custodial Mainly black women Geographic Locations of each facility o Custodial More popular in the southern states Prison conditions for each facility Conditions were superior to those found at the custodial institution Inadequate sewage and bathing systems Unsanitary living environments Work conditions dominated by physical labor and corporal punishment Use of solitary confinement for women with mental health issues White working class women were more likely to be housed in reformatories Programming for each facility o Reformatory Were the first to provide treatment for female offenders Little treatment or programming occurred MCI Framington MA describe this facility o Custodial All female staff Programming actives provided education On site hospital to address the inmates health care needs No fences Prison farm that provided produce for the entire state correctional system Still in use today Inmate nursery that allowed incarcerated women to remain with their infants while they served their sentence o Conditions have changed the prison is more like modern day institution o The nursery and farm no longer exist o The mission of the facility has changed policies reinforce a get tough approach to crime philosophy Profile of Women in the CJ System In their early to mid thirties Disproportionately women of color Most likely to have been convicted of a drug or drug related offense Multiple physical and mental health problems Unmarried mothers of minor children High school degree GED but limited vocational training and sporadic work histories Fragmented family histories with other family members also involved with the criminal justice system Survivors of physical and or sexual abuse as children and adults Significant substance abuse problems Explanations for high female incarceration rates Mandatory minimum sentences and the war on drugs Much of the rise in female criminality is the result of minor property crimes or cases involving drug related crimes Racial Ethnic Composition of Incarceration Rates Black and Latinos make up 24 of the US population 63 of women in state prisons are Black and Latina 67 of women in federal prisons are Black and Latina Research indicates Black women today are being incarcerated at a greater rate than both White females and Black males Effects of Prison Crowding Increases stress feelings thoughts of self harm May lead to increased levels of suicide risk Offense types by race ethnicity Women of color incarcerated for violent and drug related offenses White women incarcerated for property offense Categories of Female Inmate Relationships Acquaintances o Relationship is temporary superficial o Involves low level of trust Friends o Less common type of relationship o More meaningful relationship an increased level of trust o These relationships have the potential to continue beyond prison Pseudo families Girlfriends o Provide supportive networks to help with the pains of imprisonment o Not always seen as a positive asset due to limited respect among family members o Romantic relationship that develops between inmates o Majority of women identify as heterosexual o Few of these relationships involve intimate contact Mental Health Needs Rates of Mental Illness Treatment of chronic illnesses o Tend to medicate inmates o Women in prison have higher rates of mental illness than women in the general population The availability of therapeutic services o Prison does not provide therapeutic resources as a form of treatment Physical Needs Female inmates have a higher need for treatment than male inmates Prison system has limited resources and ability to address issues Women in prison more likely to be HIV positive Most prisons lack the diagnostic tools to address women s gynecological issues Women have higher rates of chronic illnesses than men Amount of prison resources provided to treat physical and mental health needs Demands for services are significantly outweighed by their availability What happens when female inmates do not comply with prescribed medication protocol The grounds for denial of privileges Disciplinary actions Can be used against an offender during a parole hearing How does the growth of female incarceration affect the lives of their children Can deal with a variety of issues that stem form the loss of a parent including grief loss sadness detachment and aggressive or at risk

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FSU CCJ 4663 - Chapter 10 The Incarceration of Women

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