PUP3002 02 Study Guide Section Exam 2 Be familiar with the three approaches to policy analysis political scientific professional Political NOT objective advocate and support preferred ideas interest groups parties Scientific Objective seeking knowledge truth seeking and theory Professional Objective goal is to solve the social problems policy building analysis primarily How does each approach limit the scope of policy analysis Political Is not objective focuses on bias politicians base on what will keep them in office Scientific Solely for knowledge can be expensive does not take politics into account not necessarily asked for or used Professional Too expensive and time consuming to have enough information research analysis What is policy analysis Part science part political judgment Research that breaks down the causes and possible solutions of Studies public problems emerging consequences and possible social problems policy proposals There are standardized scientific techniques and theoretical approaches but some policies will ultimately come down to political approaches and society viewpoints Policy analysis versus policy capacity Policy analysis is the creating and evaluating of public policy Policy capacity determines to what extent a level of government can take on policy analysis Local government would never take on national security Policy capacity is a factor in policy analysis Conceptual versus operational measures Conceptual measures deal with theories concepts ideas Operational measures are almost entirely quantitative the statistics qualitative primarily of a policy Root versus proximate causes Root cause the ultimate cause to a problem that generally cannot be solved created the problem generally unchangeable sometimes difficult to identify Proximate cause contribute to the problem what policy analysts focus on changing a resolvable contributor The five evaluative criteria for policy analysis 1 Effectiveness 2 Efficiency 3 Equity 4 Liberty Freedom 5 Feasibility What are they 1 Effectiveness Likelihood of achieving policy goals 2 Efficiency Likelihood of achieving policy goals in relation to a budget risks among citizens 3 Equity Fairness in the distribution of policy costs benefits and 4 Liberty Freedom Only applies to democracies Extent to which a policy s goals or objectives changes a population s privacy rights and choices 5 Feasibility Overall acceptability of a policy in the four major realms political social administrative technical What does each entail a policy working benefits of a policy 1 Effectiveness Operational measures to determine the likelihood of 2 Efficiency Operational measures to determine overall costs and 3 Equity Process v outcome equity is measured equity when applied and equity in outcomes 4 Liberty Freedom Evaluated based on what freedoms are expanded or restricted qualitative 5 Feasibility Political to elected officials Social to public Administrative to bureaucracy Technical availability of technology to implement no formula to calculate this Be able to identify examples of each I m listing the ones we talked about in class 1 Effectiveness Economic stimulus 2 Efficiency Counseling for every student to prevent school shootings 3 Equity Bush tax cuts 4 Liberty Freedom Internet censorship privacy 5 Feasibility a Political Repeal Obamacare b Social Constitutional ban on same sex marriage c Administrative Privatizing schools d Technical Space travel Steps in drafting a policy analysis document 1 Introduction What is this about What is the social problem Be 2 Literature Review What other research has been done about this What did they say What is similar What is missing clear 3 Theory Hypothesis What is causing the problem and how can we change it Also a formal statement along the lines of if we change then will occur 4 Research Design How will your research work Operational measures Where will the data come from Provide descriptions of data 5 Results What will has occurred Did anything change Did 6 Conclusion Summarize what has already been said propose a policy change explain measurements changes evaluations make final recommendations change What are the stages 1 Steps in Policy Analysis Process a Define and analyze the problem b Construct policy alternatives c Develop evaluative criteria d Assess the alternatives e Draw conclusions 2 How Policymakers Analyze a Policy a Define the problem b Measure the problem c Think about a problem s causes d Set goals or objectives e Determine what can be done What happens in each stage 1 Steps in Policy Analysis Process a Define and analyze the problem i A social problem its causes and effects are identified b Construct policy alternatives i Plans are made to change the social problem c Develop evaluative criteria i The effectiveness efficiency equity liberty freedom and feasibility of these policy alternatives are determined i The best policy alternatives are chosen and made ready d Assess the alternatives for lawmakers e Draw conclusions i Policy recommendations are made to lawmakers and hopefully enacted 2 How Policymakers Analyze a Policy a Define the problem i Define the problem its causes and effects Cover EVERYTHING More difficult than it seems b Measure the problem i Use observational and descriptive data to show the problem s characteristics c Think about a problem s causes i What are the root causes What are the proximate causes Which ones can be changed i What should be done Why Will it work over the short d Set goals or objectives or long term e Determine what can be done i What is the most effective efficient equitable and feasible way of dealing with the problem How can we be sure our data sources are credible Check to see who released the information What is the bias of the source Interest groups religious groups How objective is the information Are both sides of the argument Transparency of methods author s name sources information is political parties presented shared What is risk analysis Risk assessment Risk analysis Identifying evaluating and estimating the probability of something awful happening Risk assessment R P C Risk probability of something happening multiplied by the costs What is forecasting Analyzing potential impacts of a policy If no intervention is made what will happen to the social problem How can we place a dollar value on human life through policy analysis Contingent Valuation putting a dollar value on a human life based on non monetary activities Understand the
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