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PUP3002 02 Study Guide Section 2 Exam Be familiar with the three approaches to policy analysis Political scientific and professional Objective vs subjective Political Scientific o Advocate support preferred policies o Objectivity NO elites have agenda to make o Interest groups political parties o Ex NRA AARP AFL CIO theory building o Truth seeking o Knowledge for sake of knowledge o Objectivity YES o Not necessarily asked for not used by lawmakers o Ex Academic research climate change Professional o Solve public problems o Objectivity YES o Think tanks and government policy agencies o Ex OOPAGA Brookings institute What is policy analysis Part science part political judgment Policy Analysis o Conduct research that breaks down an issue o Collect data to break down and understand a problem o Push the policy process toward more thoughtful effective actions Purpose effectiveness cost of a proposal policy solution Part Science Political judgment o The study of o Public problems and emerging concerns o Proposed policy alternatives Part Science Part political judgment over the three topics there are standardized scientific approach analytic techniques used to analyze policy yet throughout process value judgment will come into play decision not clear cut assumptions are made Root versus proximate causes Root Causes o Original mover or situation Proximate Causes o A resolvable contributor o Policy analysis mostly proximate causes Approaches to Policy Analysis Comprehensive vs Short term o Comprehensive elaborate time consuming o Scientific method o Longitudinal studies over time policy change o Expensive o Steps in policy analysis process o This is rational comprehensive approach o Define Analyze the problem How widespread How severe o Construct policy alternatives o Most important step o Informed y think tanks and interest groups o Variety of instruments used o Develop evaluative criteria how will we choose right policy o Asses policy alternatives o What is the likely outcome of each alternative What looks best o Draw conclusions formulate the policy move on to legitimation stage of policy cycle o Short term focused and brief o Correlational studies o Crosstabs o Descriptive Consensual vs Contentious o Consensual o Base proposals on mainstream values o Contentious o Propose new values new ways of thinking about social problems The five evaluative criteria for policy analysis STEP 1 Define the Problem o First step in analysis define the problem o Uninsured at substantial risk Uninsured in U S problem defined o Ex Education quality in U S o Ex The plight of the poor in U S STEP 2 Measure the Problem o Often useful to start with descriptives of observational data observed in nature o 2012 government placed poverty for family of four at 23k cut off is important determines who is eligible for federal aid programs o Good analysis begins with description o Descriptives frequency distributions time trends o Goal Asses magnitude of the problem look for initial trends that may lead to policy proposals o Descriptive data showing problem characteristics Who s affected How much In what ways What s the trend o Can NOT necessarily trust numbers because they are not concrete and quantifiable STEP3 Identify Causes o EX Predicting student success in college SAT ACT scores o What is the root causes of the problem What causes should be consider can it be realistically changed o How did the problem come about What are leading causes STEP4 Set Goals or Objectives o What should be done about problem why o Over what time period can we reasonably expect change STEP5 Determine what can be done o What actions will let us reach goals or objectives Steps in drafting a policy analysis document What are the stages Introduction What is the research question policy problem Clear up front First Paragraph Ex Reading Did the state take over of welfare policy make the program more efficient and equitable Literature Review What other studies have been done on topic THINK TANKS INTEREST GROUPS How was their research question problem different How is it similar What have they found What did they miss that you can correct Theory Hypotheses Remember theory is a causal story X causes Y because What is causing the problem How can we alleviate it through policy change theory Formal statement if we change X Y will increase decrease hypothesis Research Design How will you operationalize measure your variables your causes effects Where will data come from Offer some descriptives of your data EX percent with out insurance over time What will be likely or actual in evaluating existing program policy Results changes Conclusion Does X policy influence Y problem In one to three pages summarize your study Rehash problem question Propose your solution How you measure it How you test e relationships What you found Make final recommendation based on results Note most policy makers will only read this part Drafting a Policy analysis Document o Previously conceptual steps to making a policy proposal o Now Packaging proposal in formal manner to submit for review o Note Process identical for policy analysis academic research good template for any paper you write Why have same steps for each study Cost Benefit Analysis Benefits of policy compared to costs Estimate all costs of policy alternative Estimate all financial benefits z9revenues of dollars saved o For every dollar invested we saved How do you put a value on a cost or benefit your state public has not experienced yet o Look at other states that adopted similar policies what did it cost them This is importance of literature review What is risk analysis Risk assessment Risk magnitude of adverse consequences of an event or exposure R P C o P Probability an event will occur o C Cost of event People tend to overestimate P for high consequence events ex Airplane crash Lottery What is forecasting Procedure for producing factual info on future states of society on basis of prior inform about policy problems if not intervention taken what will happen o What is future likely to hold based on understanding of current conditions how they expect them to change over time o EX Population 312 million in 2011 Impact Assessment forecast the impact of a policy implemented Environment impact studies Predict consequences of adopting a policy EX jobs better economy and local growth Possibly negative How can we place a dollar value on human life through policy analysis Evidence based decisions beyond heuristics

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