01 09 2013 Theories Inter governmentalism European union is an agreement of the governments of the member state o States decide when and what powers EU has o Member states most important actors o Can pull out whenever o Simplicity Supranational politics EU has a power on its own o Supranational institutions are main actors o Institutions are necessary to keep stabilization o Make actions without agreement without member states o DOES NOT say member states do not matter only that SN institution have a role Ex Interpretation o SN Institutions have their own agendas o Complicated Both theories appear correct based on outcomes of EU o Inter governmentalism National Defense o Supranational politics Economic trade Assumptions of Member States o Institution have minds of their own and are rational actors Rational actors combine into institutions 1963 Elysee Treaty Chancellor K Afdenauer German Prime Minister 1965 President of Commission Hall Steein Empty chair When France did not participate in the EU 1966 Luxemburg compromise o Made to get France to fill its seats o Commission would not get the money funds they wished o In order to adopt new policy member states must all agree on policy 1961 Britain Applied to enter European Community 1969 Britain Reapplied after De Gaulle Resigned and accepted Pompidou was leading France then The Hague Summit 1969 completion CAP deepening EMU and enlargement the spirit of Hague EC gets its own resources o Tariffs and taxes on outside nations Tension between Germany and France as a result of Germany s Ostpolitik Willy Brandt and its economic might Paris London axis seen a potential replacement o Ostpolitik Normalize relation with East Germany Caused relations with soviet union o Brandt didn t like CAP wanted less funds 1973 Britain along with Denmark Ireland and Norway applies again for the EC membership Britain Denmark and Ireland became member in 1973 Ireland has to join because UK joined 1975 Britain holds referendum for staying into the EC the launch of European Council It marked the revitalization of the French German axis 1979 Launch of EMS the man behind it was Jenkins president of the commission June 1979 the first directly elected parliament 410 members Spinelli tried to increase the importance of parliament and one of the Parliaments committee came up with the Draft Treaty Establishing the EU which passed by the parliament in Feb 1984 New Era under Mitterand and Helmut Kohl 1984 Fontainebleau Summit Solved Britain s Budgetary question aka BBQ by M Thatcher Clear move towards a single internal market by calling for the abolition of customs barriers and the free movement of people capital and service standardization policy for European industry 01 23 13 Missing 01 25 13 Germany approved Maastricht treaty but some factions disagreed with it Believed it breached the Supreme court of Germany Will cause restriction to German citizens through things like elections Lack of democracy in EU Maastricht Treaty The Treaty on European Union signed 1992 entered into force in 1993 Creates the EU which consists of three pillars ECs CFSP and JHA Community policies extended to six new areas trans European networks industrial policy consumer protection education and vocational training youth and culture Principle of subsidiarity EMU in 3 stages o Movement of capital o Convergence of member states economic policies o Should begin in Jan 1999 with the creation of the EURO and the ECB Citizenship Ratification Three New Members Austria Sweden and Finland 1995 Easier negotiation process than during the Mediterranean enlargement Have already implemented a large part of the community acquis aka Acquis communautaire Norway applied as well but the people rejected the plan in a referendum Balkan War 1991 1995 Underlined the shortcomings of CFSP Amsterdam Treaty 1997 entered into force in 1999 High Representative of the CFSP Javier Solana Flexibility principle Extended the QMV to new issues Transferred to the communities some of the areas which previously were subject to intergovernmental corperation Allows for suspension of membership rights Changed the procedure for electing Commission s president and members o Changing the Council and the Commission membership and voting majorities are the Amsterdam leftovers o Ratification Danish and Irish referenda Video Against Islamic religion o Not with peace or religion it is corrupted thought Lots of believers think differently and want to enter Austria Minarets no need Believes Turkey is a mix and should be incorporated but a part not really Stay separate from Russia Asylum people are accepted with good behavior Not right wing party center right position 01 28 13 Jacques Santer Resignation of the Commission as a body in 1999 Nice Treaty signed Feb 2001 entered into force in 2003 Fixed what the Amsterdam treaty missed QMV Council Criteria o Absolute Majority of member states 50 1 o 74 votes in council o 1 62 EU population vote Optional Extension of QMV Reweighing of Council votes 2 1 criteria Size of the commission Ratification Irish referenda 2001 2002 The Fifth Enlargement 2004 Czech Rep Cyprus Estonia Hungary Latvia Lithuania Malta Poland Slovakia Slovenia BIG 2007 Bulgaria Romania LEARN ENLARGEMENTS and YEARS 01 30 13 Missing 02 01 13 Relations between the EU and its member countries Three Categories of powers are thus identified o Exclusive powers infields like the customs union the common trade policy and competition only the Union may legislate o Supporting coordinating or complementary action in the areas like culture education and industry the Union may only support action by the member states by providing funding for examlples o Shared powers in other fields like the environment transport and consumer protection the Union and the member states share lawmaking power subject to the subsidiarity principle European Charter of Fundemental Rights become legally binding however UK Poland and Czech Rep were granted opt outs The member states may always withdraw from the Union if they wish to Ratification issues Irish referenda 2008 2009 Czech Rep and Germany Erasmus Program Video You can go to any other European participating country and study Open to all students studying in participating countries and in 2nd higher education level Don t have to pay tuition fees Contact Institutional Office Allows student to go to school anywhere financially 02 04 13 Theories of Executive Politics Principal Agent problem Voters and
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