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Introduction to Interviewing Counseling A What is counseling a b c d e the artful application of scientifically derived psychological knowledge and techniques for the purpose of changing human behavior A helping relationship that includes someone seeking help and someone willing to give help who is trained to help in a setting that permits help to be given and received Whatever ethical activities a counselor undertakes in an effort to help the client engage in those types of behavior which lead to a resolution of the client s problems A process that help people in learning about themselves their environment and the methods of handling their roles and relationships The art of listening advice guidance or direction regarding an action or decision to help a person change B Counseling vs Psychotherapy a Counseling i Educational ii Supportive iii Situational iv Problem v Conscious vi Oriented in the present vii Normal problems viii Short term i Reconstructive ii In depth iii Analytical iv Oriented in the past v Emphasis on dysfunction vi Long term b Psychotherapy C Interviewing a Process of gathering info problem solving advice giving b Interviewers may be i Clinical school and career counselors ii Social workers iii Medical personnel iv Exc D Interviewing vs Counseling a Interviewing i Less personal ii Less intensive iii Shorter a Communication skills units of the interview that provide specific alternatives to use w b Counseling i More personal ii More intensive iii Longer E Microskills F Intentionality many types of clients and all theories b Allows you to anticipate or predict a client s response i Purpose Intentional a Do you have a good relationship with your roommate b What s your relationship with your roommate like c Tell me about your relationship with your roommate G Microskills Hierarchy a Figure in book H Narrative Theory a Don t need to know theory in too much detail b We re concerned with client s story c Emphasizes storytelling and generation of new meanings d Was developed by Michael White e Stories people tell themselves lead them t construe their experience in unhelpful ways i A man s dominant story is that he can t trust anyone ii Reacts furiously when his wife is late and doesn t call iii He notices all of the time that fit with this narrative and ignores those that don t I Goal of Narrative Therapy a Deconstruct unproductive narrative and reconstruct a more productive story with unique outcomes i e g times when he has been able to trust J Narrative Theory 5 steps a Relationship i Building a working alliance b Story and strengths i Listening skills are key ii Look for what is going right c Goals d Restory e Action i What do you want to change ii How do we get there i New ways to talk about themselves i Thinking and acting in new ways K Brain Research a Neuroplasticity experiences Brain s capacity to develop new neural connections in responses to new b Both you and your clients develop new connections as result of your interaction L Client Story example problem Jennifer 40 y o a b Made an appointment with a dietician for help with weight loss and maintenance c Describes numerous failed attempts at dieting and exercise d You get the sense that Jennifer sees herself as a failure e What is Jennifer s dominant story f How would you help Jennifer re write her story i Unique outcomes g Why would this be helpful M Clients a Self awareness i Strength and limitations Self motivation and persistence b Self regulation and flexibility c d Empathy e Social Skills i Est trust good listener empowering Ethics A Steps of Ethical Decision Making a Determine that the matter is an ethical one b Consult available guidelines c Consider all sources that might influence your decision d Consult with a colleague e Evaluate the rights responsibilities and vulnerability of all affected parties f Generate alternative decisions g Enumerate the consequences of making each decision h Make and implement the decision i Ongoing evaluation B Professional Code of Ethics a Ensures high standard of professional service and protect clients b Structures and worded to provide general guidance c Proves a standard for membership a AAMFT Principle I don t need to know definition MFTs advance the welfare of families C Putting Client Welfare 1st and individuals D Competence a ADA Principle 8 don t need to know the dietetics practitioner recognized and exercises professional judgment within the limits of his or her qualification and collaborates with others seeks counsel or makes referrals as appropriate b Practice within the boundaries of your own competence i Education ii Training iii Recognized professional credentials iv Supervised experience c Recognize your limitations and seek supervision d Refer if necessary E Evidence Based Treatment Movement a The dietetics practitioner practices dietetics based on evidence based principles and current information ADA 12 a Informs client of the goals procedures benefits and risks of counseling process F Informed Consent G Confidentiality a Within informed consent b Ethical duty to protect information revealed in counseling from unauthorized disclosure c Privileged communication confidences originating in a therapeutic relationship will be safeguarded during certain court proceedings A client s legal right guaranteed by state statue that H Limits to Confidentiality a Danger to self b Danger to someone else c Child Abuse d Elder Abuse e Court ordered I Assessing Danger a Have they ever thought about suicide b Have they harmed themselves or attempted to harm themselves in the past c Are they currently abusing any substances d Do they have a plan e Do they have the means J Duty to Warn a Ethical and or legal obligation to notify an identified potential victim or group of victims of possible danger i May include law enforcement authorities or a government agency b Tarasoff vs Regents of the University of CA 1976 i Contacted the police but didn t warn victim c Be knowledgeable of state laws K Duty to Protect a Ethical and or legal obligation to implement a reasonable plan of intervention to avert or de escalate client behavior that may harm self or others L Mandatory Reporting Laws a Who i Therapists physicians teachers nurses day care workers dentists chiropractors other professionals ii 1 2 states require all citizens i Neglect physical sexual abuse sometimes emotional abuse of children 18 b What c How sometimes elders ii Past abuse i Phone letter ii Immediate 48 hrs

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FSU FAD 4601 - Introduction to Interviewing & Counseling

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