HME EXAM 2 CHAPTER 8 Demography the study of the characteristics of human populations size growth distribution density movement and other vial statistics Demographics data used to describe populations or subgroups Fertility Rate the yearly number of births per 1 000 women of childbearing age Mortality the technical term for death Immigration the number of people who enter and settle in a country where they are not native Internal Change originates within the family Ex Death or illness Change means to cause to be different to alter or to transform External Change fostered by society or outer environment Ex Tornados Adaptability the ability to cope with change Mobility The technical term for changing residences the typical householder moves every 5 6 years Dual income or dual earner households where both spouses have income producing jobs rose form 26 mill in 1980 to 33 mill in 1990 Dual career families not only do both spouses work outside the house but both have made a long term commitment to a planned series of jobs leading toward an ultimate career path Child care full time care and education of children under the age of six Boomeranging return of adult children to their parents home happens because of the change in the society and economy Gerontology the scientific study of the aging process Disability long term or chronic condition medically defined as a psychological anatomical mental or emotional impairment resulting from disease or illness inherited or congenial defect Handicap a disadvantage interference or barrier to performance opportunity or fulfillment in any desired role in life Functional Limitation The hindrance or negative effect in the performance of household tasks or activities Blended Families new families that include children from previous relationships Stepfamilies reconstituted or combined families Poverty the state of being poor and the inability for basic needs on a consistent basis Transfer payments monies or services given for which the recipient does not directly pay Must fall under a specific level to receive these benefits Fatalism an attitude that all events are though to be shaped by fate Can lead to low expectations and a sense of hopelessness SUMMARY This chapter is about problems that are related to management of human resources There are changes in family structure mobility the baby boom tidal wave and adjusting to retirement were discussed It talks about the population of countries such as China the most populous India and the United States follow The fastest growing minority group is the Latinos and Hispanics Managing human resources are a fundamental part of the overall study of resource management CHAPTER 9 Time Management defined as the values and systems that guide the conscious decisions made about activities and time use Media Multitasking something we may take for granted but advertisers have to decided where to advertise E procrastination refers to becoming not keeping up with incoming e mail or dealing with old e mail such as answering it or putting it in folders Time measured or measurable period Time Displacement concerned with how time spent in one activity takes away from time spent in another activity Discretionary Time the free time an individual can use ant way she or he wants himself or herself Nondiscretionary time the time that an individual cannot control totally by Drift Time refers to enjoying unscheduled time extra cup of coffee Perception refers to the process whereby sensory stimulation is translated into organized experience Time Perception the awareness of the passage of time Focus groups selected groups of people who are questioned by a discussion leader or moderator about what they think about different topics in this case products and services Circadian rhythms the daily rhythmic activity cycles based on 24 hour intervals that humans experience Quantitatice time measures refer to the number kind and duration of activities that occur at specific points in time Qualitative time Measurement Investigates the meaning or significance of time use as well as how individuals feel about their time use the satisfactions is generates Demands events or goals that necessitate or motive action Tempo all individuals have one and it means a time pattern or pace that they feel comfortable with Sequence a following of one thing after another in a series or an arrangement Time tagging a mental estimation of the sequence that should take place the approximate amount of time required for each activity in the sequences and the starting and ending time for each activity Routine a habitual way of doing things that saves time and energy for other activities SUMMARY This chapter was all about time and how to manage your time well It explains to us how important time is and how valuable it is to everything We are introduced to the ABC method for prioritizing We are also introduced to new ways to get things done quickly and how to manage our time CHAPTER 10 Involvement balance The idea that a person can be involved in one part of a family or work domain but might not be psychologically or physically available for the other Compromise each person has to make concessions giving in a little to gain Work effort expended to produce or accomplish something or activity that a valued settlement or outcome is rewarded usually with pay Effort exertion or the use of energy to do something Work Ethic the degree of dedication or commitment to work Commitment refers to the degree to which and individual identifies with and is involved in a particular activity or organization Workaholism refers to the inability to stop thinking about work and doing work and the feeling that work is always the most pleasurable part of life Procrastinator someone who puts off work and postpones decisions Parkinson s Law states that a job expands to fill the time available to accomplish the task It illustrates the elasticity of time and work Pareto Principle also known as the 80 20 rule states that 20 percent of the time expended usually produces 80 percent of the results While 80 percent of the time expended produces only 20 percent of the results Downshifting opting for a simpler life usually less pay less stress more time in a more personally satisfying occupation The person decides that more is not always better Volunteer Work work that does not generate pay Leisure defined as freedom from time consuming activities tasks duties or responsibilities We have more leisure
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