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Counseling Exam 2 Person Centered Theory no reading Reflection of Feeling Chapter 7 Emotion Focused Therapy on Bb Integrating Listening Skills Chapter 8 Confrontation Chapter 9 Gestalt Theory no reading Multiple perspectives Systems Structural Theory Chapter 10 on Bb 1 Vocab 2 Class Notes 3 Text Notes Vocab Theory a way of explaining some aspect of the world around us Cognitive Dissonance idea of thinking something should be one way when it s different in reality Self Actualization becoming all you can become Transference seeing traits of a person in a counselor Experiential learning from experience what s going on at THIS moment Systems Theory outside influences Gestalt idea that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts Primary Emotion underlying emotions Class Notes Person Centered Theory Developed by Carl Rogers reflective therapy using listening skills humans are innately good a positive view of people people have a natural inclination to be fully functioning Capable of change improvement discrepancies are from the person s cognitive dissonance leads to maladjustment Focus of Person Centered Therapist on the person not the problems stay in the present moment help the person to express understand feelings personal growth Goal Self Actualization never actually achieved a constant goal The Therapeutic Relationship equals counselor is only a guide genuine authentic warm treat client with unconditional positive regard empathy respect non judgmental communicates beliefs to client client opens to change no confrontation Techniques active listening reflection of feelings clarification being there for the client not many questions no confrontation Limitations may be too simple reflecting can be too passive inactive some clients require more structure and more direction all clients may not have the actualizing tendency Carl Rogers 1 Be real congruence transparent nothing hidden express feelings that won t affect the client 2 Praise the Client care accept 3 Understand the inner world of the client sensitive to her feeling know what it feels like to be her If these things are present the client should explore her self more deeply find parts of her she hadn t seen before prize herself listen to her self be real with her self expect a more immediate awareness be more accepting relate more directly recognize things within her self Skills used during the interview with Gloria welcoming closely seated faceting each other leaning forward seem interested speak in a low voice find her ideal self and her actual self NO questions transference Emotion Focused Therapy Gloria saw him as a father allows her to work through her own problems with her father with Rogers instead of with her father Sue Johnson believes in the 4 Ps 1 Primary emotion 2 Present experience 3 Process Patterns 4 Positions Main Objectives promoting secure bonds between partners focus on present focus on emotions tell us what our motivations and needs are empathy and validation Attachment innate primary motivating force naturally desire secure attachment attachment injuries occur when significant people don t meet our expectations Interaction Cycles patterns created and maintained by emotional reactions and subsequent behaviors look similar even when the details change activate core emotions which we respond to in repetitive ways Role of Therapist Choreographer restructure relationship dance Collaborator sometimes follow sometimes lead Process consultant help partners reprocess their emotional experience maintain safety Stage 1 De escalation 1 Create alliance and define conflict 2 Explore Interaction Cycle 3 Explore Emotions 4 Reframe problem in terms of cycle emotions and attachment needs Stage2 Changing Interactional Positions 5 Identification with own needs and emotions 6 Acceptance of partner s experience 7 Expression of needs and creation of bonding events that redefine the interaction Stage 3 Consolidation and Integration 8 New solutions to old problems 9 New and healthier cycles of interaction 3 major Shifts negative cycle de escalation withdrawer engagement blamer softening Strange Situation Test Mary Ainsworth put a child in a strange room with their parent add a stranger remove the parent observe different patterns of attachment 1 Secure balance between independence and intimacy 2 Avoidant very little response when parents leaves returns stranger is treated the same way as the parent 3 Ambivalent stress when parent leaves anger when parents returns 4 Disorganized no pattern Hazen Shaver studied adult attachment patterns 1 Secure balance between independence and intimacy 2 Anxious preoccupied high levels of intimacy approval less trusting emotional 3 Dismissive avoidant high independence 4 Fearful Avoidant mixed feelings uncomfortable with emotions seek less intimacy Harlow studied baby monkeys had a choice between a cold doll mother or a warm doll mother chose a warm comforting mother each time Reflecting Feeling identify key emotions and feed them back Predicted Result Nonverbal indicators of emotions rapid breathing facial flushing clients will experience and understand their emotional state more fully and talk more in depth about feelings start with explicitly stated feelings using key words to explore unspoken feelings it sounds like feeling label emotions context paraphrase present tense reflections are often more useful than past tense check out are logical came from a culture where public expression of emotion is avoided have experienced trauma look for noticeable absence of emotion changes in vocal tone tears helpful to reflect client may not be aware need solid trusting relationship Emotions Primary sadness fear heart Secondary anger Dimensions of Reflecting 1 Sentence Stem 2 Open Questions Resistance likely to happen from clients who Listening Skill Integration key facts of the situation central emotions and feelings overall summary of the issue Listening Sequence establish relationship 1st start with an open sequence closed questions for clarification paraphrase reflect feeling summarize concern use encouragers 5 Stage Interview Structure 1 Relationship 2 Story Strengths 3 Goals 4 Restory 5 Action 1 Relationship informed Consent Rapport and trust 2 Story and Strengths gather data identify key challenge feelings strengths 3 Goals where do you want to be ideal self discrepancies why does this matter mutually agreed on may happen earlier in different theories 4 Restory Summarize reality and ideal world

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FSU FAD 4601 - Counseling

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