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2 28 Changing Cities Urban Centers as Cultural Artifacts Urban populations began to grow quickly and industry started moving to the outskirts of the cities The industrial revolution has kicked into full gear Machines are available and it frees up a lot of people who need jobs Cottage industry dies in the second half of the 19th century Urbanization makes the cities get a lot bigger they are growing through industrialization and immigration Paris and Haussmanization program along with Napoleon III Haussman was the mastermind behind the new urban renewal Haussman was solely concerned with public places Reason for building was for economics and social control Train travel makes it possible to trade goods quickly The canal built underground makes it possible for boat travel The long boulevards allowed for military actions It Many of the people evicted from their houses were given jobs Health is important new aquaducts were built to give clean Sewer systems were built The role of parks encouraged state control as workers for the paris restoration water Green Spaces o Leaisure o Social Control o Economic Efficiency o Display Global Power o Propaganda London Evolving Market Places Les Halles was the stomach of paris it was controlled and maintained by the state o New and old influences London developed suburban areas rather than in paris which London was more strict on private property In paris if Emergences of the department store Largest Urban population in Europe half of the capital that left Europe went through London Center of almost every import The East parts of London was big on casual labor developed the urban areas Haussman wanted to build a road you would have to leave In London that was not the same deal they would have to buy the land and then build on it The reorganization wasn t as easy as in paris New cheap forms of transportation which were cheap and it would bring you to and from work for relative inexpensive rates Had back to back row houses little or no space between houses Prostitution was running rampid and there wre a shit ton of prostitutes in London o They put through the contagious diseases acts anybody who was thought to be a prostitute had to go to the doctor to receive a pelvic exam Victorian age women o Prostitution in was a matter of life and death for many o Orphaned girls were forced into service o Women who are kicked out of their job are sent to o The lancet said that 1 in 16 women were involved with prostitution some aspect of prostitution Cities as Hubs of Sexuality money Homosexuality o Prostitution was really the only way for women to make o Male prostitution was not okay o Subcultures began to emerge o Same sex acts had been decriminalized in France o Public attitudes for homosexuality was intolerant o Famous criminal trials exploited homosexuality Oscar Cities as Hubs of Secularization Wilde as many churches They rename roads after secular people also they don t build Haussmann modernized paris by creating uniform wide streets building parks andimproving sanitation in order to better the lives of city dwellers and to facilitate government control Suburbs were the prominent feature of London as the overwhelming population required additional space In contrast to paris the evolution of the urban space in London was due to privatized interests and was largely decentralized from the government European cities were places where traditional valures heterosexuality and Christianity met untraditional valure new forms of sexuality and secularization 3 1 Italian and German Unification Metternich once said that Italy is a geographic expression over the course of the 1860 70 Italy becomes a nation The reason why it has never united before was because of there were too many states They all didn t speak the same language Most of northern Italy was controlled by the Austrians and the Hapsburg Crown In order to unify they have to kick the Austrians out Nationalists were torn what kind of government will it look like The north south divide is also a problem Two possible leaders for Italian unification Expansion of Piedmont Sardinia which was the strongest monarchy under Victor Emmanuel II o Emmanuel II appoints Count Camillo di Cavour as the Prime Minister He was an extreme political radical Constitutional Monarchy They were noted for the unification of Italy o Giuseppe Mazzini wanted to unify Italy from the bottom up and promoted democracy He comes in contact with the Carbonari which were Italian nationalists He believed that unification would only be successful if it started with the lower rungs of society Alliances and Warfare to Further Italian Unification Italian unification was impossible as long as Austria was in Piedmont Sardinia o Cavor assisted in a revolution in the northern areas o The Crimean War drove out the Austrians o France asked Piedmont Sardinia to demobilize The Austrians send threats to Piedmont and France sends over troops and they were all ready for war where the Austrians were overthrown in the northern states o France makes a deal with the Austrians and backs out and leaves the Piedmonts to fight for themselves to save trade Southern Italy o Giuseppe Garibaldi begins to unify the south because of all the territory he owns makes Victor Emmanuel uneasy Garibaldi doesn t move into the Papal states o Cavore sends troops down to Naples to make sure that o Italy becomes unified After unification the Venizia was the only state Venizia became part of Italy when Prussia and that didn t unify with them Italy went to war o Even though they were united they didn t understand what it meant to be an Italian Limits of Unification o 70 of the population was illiterate in 1871 o 1860 most spoke local dialects o The mafia and the kimora run the government in the south All of the business is in the north Raw materials were taken from the south and brought to the north for production o The pope was stuck in Rome and he began to sell off church property and closed down churches and monasteries and secularized society Marriage was a civil ceremony only Law of Papal Guarantees 1871 limits the popes domain to the Vatican this is where the pope looses all his ground power The start of German Unification German unification would not fall in the hands of liberals it was who would unify the land of German speakers unify Germany o Everybody has to speak German The Prussians lead to William I becomes king and makes it clear that he was going to rule with everybody

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FSU EUH 3205 - Urban Centers as Cultural Artifacts

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