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Suborder Strepsirhini Most primitive ancestra l primates Lateral eyes w posterial bar Grooming Claw Rely on olfaction Dental comb Tapetum lucidum Primates Homeopathic Lactation Internal Gestation Social organisms Suborder Haplorhini Larger brain body size Reduced smell no rhinarium Greater degree of color vision Enclosed eye sockets Fused mandible Lemurs Lorises Galagos Bush Babies Tarsiers largest eye to body ratio nocturnal insectivorous mated pair 2 1 3 3 Monkeys 85 of primates 195 species Apes Humans verticle clingers 2 1 3 3 diurnal for large ones small ones are nocturnal matriarchal Indri and nocturnal pair bond while larger multimale multifemales nocturnal 2 1 3 3 solitary or small groups with territories East sub saharan Africa verticle clingers insectivorous nocturnal solitary w territories 2 1 3 3 infant parking New World Moneys Platyrrhini Flat nose side facing nostrils 2 1 3 3 Old World Moneys Catarrhini Cercopithecoi daea Narrow nose with down facing nostrils bilophidont Callitrichidae Marmocets and Tamarins Cebidae all other NWM prehinsile tail Hominoidea Apes and Humans 2 1 2 3 Y5 Two Sub families Hylobatidae Gibbons and Siamangs Lesser Apes brachiation fruit monogamous terrirotial songs Pongidae Oranugutan Gorilla Chimps Bonobos Great Apes Hominidae Humans and our ancestors Cercopithecines terestrial omnivores baboons macaques Guenons Colobines Arboreal vegetarians langurs colucus odd nosed monkey fulivorous Pan troglodytes Chimps new view Pan paniscus Bonobo new view Homo sapiens

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FSU ANT 2511 - Primates

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