EUH2000 Spring 2014 Exam 2 Study Guide Early Christendom Arius equal to God the Father petrine doctrine A Greek who was a Christian that taught that Jesus was not truly God He believed that Jesus was created by God the Father superior in dignity to any other creature but that Jesus was not The statement used by popes bishops of Rome based on Jesus words to substantiate their claim of being the successors of Saint Peter and heirs to his authority as chief of the apostles the rules of saint benedict a book of precepts written by St Benedict of Nursia for monks living communally under the authority of an abbot During the 1500 years of its existence it has become the leading guide in Western Christianity for monastic living in community Live and work among everyday people priest bishop and archbishop Germanic Tribe that took control of Italy by the 5th century A Germanic people who settled in the Roman province of Gaul the first king of the Franks to unite all the Frankish tribes under one ruler The bishop of Tours in central Gaul Wrote The History of the Franks secular clergy ostrogoths franks clovis gregory of tours apostolic succession A line of priestly power and authority originating from Christ and handed down from the apostles to the present through their successors the bishops benedict of nursia Benedict of Nursia was a monk who organized the monastery of Monte Cassino in central Italy The rules that he created to regulate monastic life the Benedictine Rule came to be used by regular clergy the huns nearby kingdoms visigoths merovingians merovech reccared monasteries and convents across Europe Benedictine monks and nuns took three vows obedience to the abbot or abbess who headed the monastery or convent poverty and chastity Clergy who live under the rule of a monastic house monks and nuns Fierce warriors from Central Asia First invaded southeastern Europe and then launched raids on A member of the western Goths that invaded the Roman Empire in the fourth century A D and settled in France and Spain establishing a monarchy that lasted until the early eighth century Clovis and his successors who were generally weak Frankish rulers who left the job of governing to palace officials what the Merovingian Dynasty was named after he was a Frankish warrior king King of the Visigoths in Spain He reigned from 586 601 He also rejected traditional Arianism in favor of the Catholic church greatest muslim surgeon developed new instruments and operations discovered cauterization Byzantine and Islam on the Periphery al zahrawi was best way to heal stab wounds al razi encyclopedia cannon of medicine arabic numbers A Persian scholar who was the greatest physician of the Muslim world wrote a medical medical encyclopedia used in Europe for over 500 years in medical schools System of writing numerals that was developed by Gupta mathematicians became known as Arabic numerals because the Arabs brought them from India to the Middle East and Europe al khwarizmi Invented Algebra algebra cordoba andalusia islam Muslims umma muhammad justinian I the institutes The Digest A mathematical phrase involving at least one variable and sometimes numbers and operation symbols invented by al khwarizmi capital of Muslim Spain an economic center hundreds of workshops culture and learning flourished there had biggest library at the time muslim kingdom alon iberian peninsula A religion based on the teachings of the prophet Mohammed which stresses belief in one god Allah Paradise and Hell and a body of law written in the Quran Followers are called The community of all Muslims they had to protect jews Arab prophet founder of religion of Islam justinian plague Disease that swept through Byzantine Empire Originated in India carried through Mediterranean by ships simular to Bubonic Plague Greek scientists did not know how to deal with it Weakened Military resources weakening Justinian s efforts to unite the Mediterranean world Byzantine emperor from 527 to 565 he reunited the parts of the Roman empire simplified Roman laws with Justinian s Code and ordered Hagia Sophia built John Calvin s publication that was the cornerstone of his theology provided the belief in the absolute sovereignty and omnipotence of God and the total weakness of humanity compilation of roman laws ordered by justinian I the code compilation of Roman imperial law made by order of Justinian I forming part of the Corpus Juris Civilis remained in effect in the eastern byzantine empire after the dissolution of the A large and wealthy city that was the imperial capital of the Byzantine empire and later the Ottoman empire now known as Istanbul western roman empire constantinople The Carolingians palace mayors becomes hereditary polygyny pepin the short pepin of haristal and france but he is not king charles martel battle of tours poitiers battle of tetry of east and west neustria merivians keep eye on Carolines by making them palace mayor This positione ventually A form of polygamy in which a man may have more than one wife at the same time He was Charles Martel s son He was king and the Pope asked him for help against the Lombards who were invading Pepin helps him and defeats them and in turn the Pope names him king of the Franks Then Pepin gives the Pope land called the Papal States becomes palace mayor rebels against merivians and is victorious he has the power of military successor to pepin of haristal stops muslim invasion before it can reach southern france where charles martel stops muslim invasion before it can reach southern france 687 Pippin of herstal challenge west franklin mayor defeated the west mayor and gained control controlled by merovinians and allies under control of merovinian king there carolines are taking over though Carolines buy loyalty of people and therefore take away military power form king austrasia burgundy ostmark a former East German monetary unit Spanish March Spain controlled by Muslims Little buffer zone between France and Spain that helped keep the muslims in spain and out of France Significance after that France and that part of Western Europe will remain Christian Kept the Muslims out Saxons Germanic people During the 5th century ad groups from these communities migrated to Britain either by invitation or invasion and in due course founded kingdoms which can generally be recognized by the fact that their names have the suffix sex Byzantine emperor who wanted to destroy icons disagreed with Pope Gregory 800 AD crowned
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