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Social Problems Test 1 Study Guide Chapter 1 Introduction Wednesday January 8th 2014 The study of social problems Sociology is the study of social life challenge and causes and consequences of human behavior i e economics education crime Social problem an issue that negatively affects a persons state of being in society Sociological imagination ability to look beyond the individual as the cause for success and failure and instead see how society influences the outcome Macro viewpoint large scale point of view Micro small scale Elements of a social problem objective condition any aspect of society that can be viewed without bias facts Subjectivity making a judgment based on personal feelings and opinions rather than external facts Factors that define social problems History changes over time as well as the history of a place culture can determines if something is a social problem in that specific place Cultural values part of society s nonmaterial culture that represents standards by which we determine what is good bad right or wrong Cultural universals aspects of social life that are common to all societies awareness the ability of a person or group to bring a problem into problem recognition protests campaigns petitions Major theoretical paradigms of sociology Paradigm a theoretical framework through which a scientist can study the world Functionalism defines society as a system of interrelated parts some parts affect others example marriage decreasing affects economics Conflict theory views society as being in a constant struggle over scarce resources not always physical Important not personal conflicts more general Symbolic interactionism focuses on how individual interactions between people influence their behavior and how these interactions impact society Still general but focuses on individuals EXAMPLE Fact women are now getting more degrees than men a functionalist would say that this is affecting family structure women are having less kids because they re busy with their jobs conflict theory scarce resource amount of degrees symbolic interactionism the meaning we associating the degrees Some degrees are with more than others Research methods The scientific procedures that sociologists use to conduct studies and develop knowledge about a particular topic Six steps 1 Choose a topic 2 Conduct a literature review 3 Form a hypothesis 4 Collect data 5 analyze the results 6 Share and publish the results Objectivity ability to conduct research without allowing the influence of personal biases or prejudices Variables Independent manipulated in the experiment Dependent variable responses to manipulated variables Control variable factors that are kept constant to accurately test the impact of the independent variable Example Higher rates of drinking leads to higher rates of liver failures IV rate of drinking DV rate of lice failure Higher GPA s are caused by higher levels of parental support IV GPA DV level of parental support Control Study habits Sleeping habits Work Relationships These are all things you could control in order to test the hypothesis Causation vs correlation Causation relationship between cause and effect Correlation indication that a factor MIGHT be the cause of another factor Positive if one goes up the other goes up Negative if one goes up the other goes down Spurious things might appear to be related but actually have separate causes Quantitative vs Qualitative methods Quantitative data based on numbers and used for macro analysis Qualitative data information include includes non numerical info Triangulation using multiple methods to study a phenomenon Social Policies deliberate attempts on the part of society to solve social problems example social security statistics are they all of equal value No they can be misleading exaggerated etc Monday January 13 2014 Social Policy and Statistics Be cautious of headlines Double check definition of terms Investigate the source Beware of selective causes Watch out for hidden agendas Chapter 4 Gender Gender behavioral cultural and psychological traits associated with being male or female example males are strong protective etc Females are sensitive maternal etc Sex biological makeup of males or females especially in regard to their reproductive organs and physical structures Gender identity our perception of ourselves as male and female there is a difference between having gender you ARE the gender vs doing gender Patriarchy a social system in which men control a majority of the power and exert authority over women and children Example in the US patriarchy is still present Men hold more government positions earn more money etc Matriarchy social system in which women are the main authority and hold power over men Sexism belief that one sex is superior to the other Gender roles society s expectations of how males and females should think and act Feminism philosophy based on the political social and economic equality of the sexes specifically a woman s right to have the same opportunities as a man First wave 1920 s Women were fighting for the right to vote and things of that sort Second wave Women s Liberation Movement of the 1960 s The idea that women should be able to seek fulfillment outside of the house Third wave started in the 90 s Protecting minorities Women should dress however they want Social Problems Surrounding Gender Female circumcision alteration or removals of parts of the female genital organs This is in order for them to get pleasure from sex Where else are we seeing gender inequalities Education men and women normally study different things We can see this as their choice or as society pushing people into studying certain things o example Meet the Fockers Ben Stiller plays a nurse and everyone makes fun of him for being a nurse Politics severe lack of female representation in politics Also no female presidents or vice Health life expectancy and certain sicknesses are more common in certain genders presidents Domestic Violence raped or physically assaulted by a partner or acquaintance Physically assaulted by intimate partner annually o Women 25 o Men 7 6 o Women 1 3 million o Men 835 000 In 200 killed by an intimate partner o Women 1 247 33 of female murder victims o Men 440 4 of male murder victims Monday January 22nd 2014 Gender identity understanding of self which can be male or female masculine or feminine or any combination or any absence of gender thereof Gender expression outward intentional and

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