Public Opinion Why does public opinion matter European Union EU citizens preferences further integration and the lines of political conflict in the EU policy making Sovereign countries are going to have their own identities Overview theories on how we get this public opinion Cleavage model national territorial zero sum game Some countries benefit more than others and transnational socioeconomic interest A lot of social classes have more in common with people in the same working environment that with people in their state The EU will serve more as the market integrates The social interest across countries is going to shape your preferences Permissive consensus people do not have a strong opinion about European integration and support so they will allow the leaders to take decisions without citizens being involved The entire people have a consensus that this is our goal so they don t really care about the international politics With the formation of the European community the citizens of Europe neglected the process of their country and the EU Eurobarometer survey that is distributed every six months that asks about the public support for European integration and economic growth Maastricht treaty 1993 affected the GDP growth in EU it established the EU Citizens realized that EU is not just about economics but about policies and politics too The direction the EU takes will affect the citizens directly Opposition to the EU after the Maastricht Treaty National divisions 1 Length of membership whether or not original members are going to be more supportive than the newer ones 2 National identity whether the more you are going to identify with your country and supporting the EU Is not statistically significant 3 Economic gains did you country economically benefit in EU These explain better the support for the EU Whether the money you send to the EU and receive ratio is low Lower means more 4 Information deficit only a 5 drop from mid 90 s to 2003 in countries with strong debates Ireland Austria Denmark and Sweden the drop was lower in these countries because in these countries people knew from the very beginning what they were getting into Irish people had better knowledge of what treaties entailed because of the referendums that had to be approved by the people This does not mean that these countries have a high level of approval it just means that the level of approval changed slightly 5 Parties and governments popularity and their position on EU integration a positive relationship between the trust you have in your government at the national government and the trust you have at the EU level The mentality seems to be whether you trust politics or not Transnational conflicts 1 Class interest to choose from outside a More supportive classes employers directors professionals will have a bigger pool b Less supportive skilled worker retired unemployed stiffer competition from Transnational social class positions 2 Class voting replaced by postmaterialist values environment women s and minorities rights age vs generational difference education religion atheism will be less supportive and agnostics The EU has done a lot to promote equality for women Education has the highest support across countries in the EU Center more pro EU then the left and right and it can vary country by country Support for the EU Elites vs Masses 94 vs 48 abandon consensus politics differences between the national elites Right and left ideology 1 Right equality of opportunity 2 Left equality of outcomes The Elite s Dilemma Single Market and Regulatory Policy Three types of economic policies I Regulatory policies standards Redistribution vs Efficiency Pg 190 graph Redistribution the government will make a policy where money is taken from a section and redistributed to another section i e tax More popular choice Efficiency Your economic policy will not hurt individuals i e invest in research or infrastructure that benefits all Regulatory policies are usually concerned with the protection of public interest This is the perfection of public interest in general without being biased towards any section and they are meant to be used only to correct failures A Technical standards and consumer protection standards B Health and safety standard and environmental standards negative externalities C Competition policies Price collusion D Industry regulators Price controls Demographic governments executive and parliament Most often they are involved in redistribution policies therefore changes would vary according to parties Market Failures When the free market does not work Market Failure examples Health safety standards environment ect Example A company hurts the environment by contaminating the water to cool engines and then throwing it back in the environment which hurts the public health Democratic parliaments and governments tend to favor policies that redistribute resources The need for independent institutions Let independent institutions that are not biased i e Federal Reserve institutions who will not be influenced by lobbyists The normative approach Independent Institutions worst option vs Economic theory of regulations Free market reign demands and supply Normative Governments control over redistribution Positive using independent institutions to control redistribution Normative and Positive solution There should be a balance between normative and positive Economic Theory of Regulation People are going to want to control business agencies that have concentrated interest in policies Independent institutions will solves this issue The need for institutional control list of criteria reports replace the head of the agency ect II Expenditure Policies III Macroeconomics Policy Deregulation Policies Removal of legislation concerning trade or economic activities Most successful because of formation of Single Market of the 27 member states The Single Market 1985 Single European Act Completing the internal market by 31 December 1992 Removal of physical barrier Goods and persons this means no customs border patrols halts ect Technical barriers cassis de Dijon ruling i e French Wine sales in Germany Movement of capital free flow of capital fiscal barriers proposed harmonization of the valued add tax VAT sales tax in the EU Competition policies Natural Monopolies without competition States put a ceiling price on companies with natural monopolies i e utilities company 1 Antitrust regulations Covering the publicly owned industries
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