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HUN 3403 Fall 2012 Review for final exam included all the chapters and student presentations after our second exam 1 Adolescent body composition including fat mass lean mass and skeletal mass changes during puberty Ch 14 pages 359 a Puberty time frame during which the body matures from child to adult i Sexual Maturation Rating SMR for girls and boys Tanner stages 1 2 Stage 1 Pre pubertal growth Stages 2 5 Occurrence of growth a Females menarche stage 4 3 Stage 5 Sexual Maturation b Changes in puberty i Weight Approx 10 15 lbs yr ii Body Comp 1 Girls increase in fat mass Boys decrease in fat mass 2 Skeletal Mass 3 a b Dependent on By 18yrs More than 90 of adult skeletal mass is formed i Genetics weight bearing exercise smoking alcohol diet calcium phos 1 Males Late bloomers often feel inferior more likely to turn to supplement for increased iii Large variation in rate of development vit D protein muscle and linear growth Females See 2 c d 50 of ideal body weight is gained in adolescence Females i Peak weight gain follows linear growth spurt by 3 6 months 2 1 2 3 Avg of 12 5 years old gain approx 18 3 lbs Slows around time of menarche but continues into late adolescence Peak accumulation of muscle mass occurs around or just after onset of menses Lean body mass falls from 80 to 74 ii iii Body fat increases from 16 to 27 iv 44 increase in lean body mass and 120 increase in body fat during puberty v Gain approx 2 5 lb of body fat mass each year peak between ages 15 and 16 e Males i Peak weight gain linear growth and muscle mass all coincide with each other ii Weight gain avg of 20 lb per year iii Body fat decreases approx 12 by end of puberty f By age 18 about 90 of adult skeletal mass has been formed 2 Early mature girls are more like to page 361 a Females that mature early are more likely to adopt grown up behaviors younger such as smoking drinking and sexual activity 3 Servings of vegetables consumption during adolescence page 365 Females 34 30 consume less than one serving per day with white potatoes making up half of the vegetables consumed Fruit almost two thirds 62 of males 57 of females consume less than one serving per day 4 The influence factors of eating behaviors in adolescent page 361 a Males 35 b c d a Peers b c d e Food availability Cost Convenience Body image 5 Natural food sources of vitamin D class and pages 370 371 Fatty fish and liver a b Milk Fortified soy milk fortified breakfast cereals 6 Menopause definition and common symptoms iron needs before and after menopause page 408 slides a Menopause is the end of menstruation and a marking point for increased risk of CVD and other chronic conditions for women Associated with an inc in abdominal fat and accelerated loss in bone mass Effects Hot flashes fatigue sleep disturbances memory loss Iron intake decreases from 18 to 8mg b c d 7 Differences among different types of vegetarian diets Page 363 Type of Diet Semi or partial vegetarian Lacto ovo vegetarian Lacto vegetarian Vegan total vegetarian Macrobiotic Foods Excluded Red Meat Meat poultry fish seafood Meat poultry fish seafood eggs Meat poultry fish seafood eggs dairy products may exclude honey Meat poultry fish seafood eggs dairy fish may be included in some macrobiotic vegetarians 8 Know how to calculate energy expenditures with equations Mifflin pg 409 Harris ppt a a Harris Benedict Equation 66 5 13 75 x wt 5 x ht 6 8 x age i Males 1 ii Females i Males 1 ii Females 1 iii Ht cm Wt kg 655 9 6 x wt 1 8 x ht 4 7 x age b Mifflin St Jeor more accurate 10 x wt 6 25 x ht 5 x age 5 1 10 x wt 6 25 x ht 5 x age 161 c Factors multiply on end of each equation i Injury 1 2 3 4 ii Activity factors 1 2 3 1 2 minor injury 1 35 skeletal trauma 1 44 elective surgery 2 1 2 5 severe thermal burns 1 2 sedentary or wt maintenance 1 55 moderately active 3 5 d wk 1 725 very active d EX 34 yr old male H 73 in 185cm Wt 180 lb 82kg runs cycles 5 d wk i Harris 1 2 ii Mifflin 1 66 5 13 75 x wt 5 x ht 6 8 x age 66 6 13 75 x 82 5 x 185 6 8 x 34 1888 x 1 5 2832 10 x wt 6 25 x ht 5 x age 5 9 Understand and remember acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges 2 10 x 82 6 25 x 185 5 x 34 5 1811 x 1 5 2717 10 Recommended dietary fiber for males and females front of book Fat 20 35 Adults i ii Carb 45 65 iii Protein 10 35 Fat 25 35 Adolescents i ii Carb 45 65 iii Protein 10 30 a b Infants ND Children i 1 3 19g day ii 4 8 25 g day c Preadolescents i Males 31 g day ii Adolescents Females 26 g day a b d e a b c d e a b c i Males 31g day 14 years of age 38g day for others ii Adults Females 26g day i Males 38g day ii Females 25g day or 14g for every 1000 calories f 51 i Males 30g day ii Females 21 g day 11 Longevity depends on page 455 and ppt 19 genetics 10 access to high quality health care 20 environmental factors 51 lifestyle 86 largest growing segment 12 Life expectancy in the US page 456 Life expectancy average number of years of life remaining for persons in a population group Life expectancy has increased in US and is expected to continue to increase US is ranked number 50 in longest life expectancy at birth with an average of age 78 13 DETERMINE page 465 a Warning signs of poor nutritional health i Disease any disease illness or chronic condition ii Eating poorly Eating too little too much or the same foods day after day or not eating fruits vegetables and milk products daily Tooth loss mouth pain It is hard to eat well with missing loose or rotten teeth or dentures that do not fit well or cause mouth sores Economic hardship having less or choosing to spend less than 41 90 f to 46 80 m weekly for groceries iii iv v Reduced social contact Being with people has a positive effect on morale well being and eating vi Multiple medicines The more medicines you take the more likely the chance for side effects such as change in taste inc or dec appetite and thirst Involuntary weight loss or gain Losing or gaining a lot of weight involuntarily is not good vii viii Needs assistance in self care Older people who have trouble walking shopping and buying …

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