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ISM3003 Exam 3 Study Guide Chapter 7 Enterprise Infrastructure Metrics and Business Continuity Planning 1 SoA a Service oriented architecture SoA perspective that focuses on the development use and reuse of small self contained blocks of code to meet all application software needs b Software code is not developed solely for a single application instead services are built that can be used and reused across all applications c An SoA Organization would be 1 Lean and agile using resources in the best way 2 Proactive in addressing changes in the market 3 Quick to respond and adapt to advances in tech 4 Transformational in its processes structure and HR initiatives to match a changing and dynamic workforce d SoA focused Specifically on IT 1 Customers 2 End Users 3 Software development 4 Information needs 5 Hardware requirements e Customers 1 Customers should be able to plug and play into your organization and have the same pleasurable experience regardless of the channel 2 Multi channel service delivery 3 Consistent high quality interactions regardless of the venue 4 Customizable product and service capabilities f End Users 1 End Users should have access to whatever information and software they need regardless of where they are 2 Fully integrated ERP system 3 Interoperability among vendors 4 Interoperability of modules by the same vendor 5 Mobile computing g Software Development 1 Software development should focus on reusable components to accelerate systems development This means using component based development methodologies and taking advantage of exciting Web 2 0 applications 2 SoA as a framework 3 RAD XP and agile as development methodologies 4 Exciting new deployments like Web 2 0 h Information Needs 1 Information would be treated appropriately as a valuable organizational resource protected managed organized and made available to everyone who needs it 2 End users with access to all types of information 3 Integrated information business intelligence and knowledge 4 Data warehouses 5 Standard information formats 6 Integrity controls 7 No duplicate information i Hardware Requirements 1 Hardware is both integrated and transparent 2 Integration of different technologies and tech platforms 3 Large storage capacity 4 Your focus on logical not physical 5 Safe and secure telecommunications platform 2 Hardware and Software Infrastructure a Infrastructure the structure beneath a structure 1 IT infrastructure is the implementation of your organizations architecture 1 Enterprise resource planning ERP system collection of integrated software for business management accounting finance etc 2 ERP is big business 3 Dominant ERP providers SAP Oracle SSA Global Microsoft 1 MRP 1970s focus on production planning calculating time requirements procurement basic automated manufacturing focus 2 MRP II 1980s closed the loop to include financial and accounting systems and serve as a decision support tool for managers 3 ERP late 1980s early 1990s focus on critical time to market shorter lead times customers want it now 4 ERP II today focus on complete ERP integration with CRM business intelligence and a host of other applications across the organization b ERP Revisited c ERP Evolution d ERP and SoA 1 For ERP to integrate everything it must be plug and play components or services 2 All modules of an ERP vendor must be interoperable 3 Software from multiple ERP vendors must be interoperable 4 The infrastructure beneath must be hidden from users and customers e SoA Enabled ERP Advantages 1 Reliable information access 2 Avoids data and operations redundancy 3 Delivery and cycle time reduction 4 Cost reduction 5 Easy adaptability 6 Improved scalability 7 Global outreach 8 E business support f SoA Enabled ERP Disadvantages 1 Time consuming 2 Expensive 3 Lack of conformity of modules 4 Vendor dependence 5 Too many features 7 Too complex 8 Questionable scalability 9 Not enough extended ERP capability 3 Supporting Network Infrastructures a Computer network fundamental underlying infrastructure for any IT environment b Decentralized Network Infrastructure involves little or no sharing of IT and other resources such as information 1 Almost nonexistent today c Centralized sharing information systems in one central area or on one central mainframe 1 Like decentralized almost nonexistent today d Distributed distributing the information and processing power of IT systems via a network 1 First true network infrastructure 2 Processing activity is allocated to the locations where it can most efficiently be done e Client server infrastructure network one or more computers that are servers which provide services to other computers called clients 1 Servers and clients work together to optimize processing info storage etc 2 When you surf the Web the underlying network infrastructure is client server f Tiered layer the IT system is partitioned into tiers where each tier performs a specific type of functionality 1 1 Tier single machine 2 2 Tier basic client server relationship 3 3 Tier client application server data or database server 4 N Tier scalable 3 tier structure with more servers 4 IT Success Metrics a To justify costs of technology you need to measure its success b Metrics are also called benchmarks baseline values a system seeks to attain c Benchmarking process of continuously measuring system result and comparing them to benchmarks 5 Efficiency Effectiveness Metrics a Efficiency doing something right 1 In the least time 2 At the lowest cost 3 With the fewest errors b Effectiveness doing the right things 1 Getting customers to buy when they visit your site 2 Answering the right question with the right answer the first time c Bottom line initiatives typically focus on efficiency while top line initiatives tend to focus on effectiveness 6 Types of IT Success Metrics a Infrastructure Centric Metric measure of efficiency speed and or capacity of tech 1 Throughput amount of information that can pass through a system is a given amount of time 2 Transaction speed speed at which a system can process a transaction 3 System availability measured inversely as downtime or the average amount of time a system is down or unavailable 4 Accuracy measured inversely as error rate or the number of errors per thousand million that a system generates 5 Response time average time to respond to a user generated event such as a 6 Scalability conceptual metric related to how well a system can be adapted to mouse click increased demands b Web

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