What is the European Union 1 29 12 4 01 PM The supra or transnational institutions governing regulating the economy and politics of 27 What is the European Union countries in Europe This is the European Union Supra Above the country Transnational across countries Definition broken down all semester Countries not in the Union o Norway like fish a lot o Iceland o Russia o Switzerland Elements of the EU Single Market Economics and Politics that are governed elements of the EU o Attempt to remove borders boundaries so that goods people etc promote the movement across boarders o Example US has a Single market where GA stuff can be sold in FL etc Canada has a single market thus being a separate market from the US Economic and Monetary Union o The currency o Economic Policies Amount of debt you are allowed to have The deficits you are allowed to have Not all of the countries have the Euro Common Foreign and Security Policy o An area of freedom security and justice Freedom Security and Justice o Arrests law enforcement etc o Hicks Box 1 2 Policy Architecture in the EU Institutions of the EU o Three main Institutions Counsel Executive Branch US Parliament House of Representatives US Court of Justice ECJ European Court of Justice Supreme Court US Evolution of the EU European Coal and Steel Community ECSC 1951 o Single market economy in Coal and Steel European Economic Community EEC 1957 o Established more political power and moved on to EC European Community EC 1986 European Union EU 1992 o Officially became the EU o Each change applies with another major treaty But what exactly is the EU A political system but not a state Hix o State Sovereignty defined borders population recognized as a state by other states o Sovereignty Weber German guy Monopoly on the legitimate use of force o Is the EU sovereign is it recognized as a State EU is a member of many international organizations Has state like characteristics Unitary state Federation o No time EU is not a state o No time EU is not a state o United States is a federal system Supremacy Clause in Constitution Federal government has final say o Final authority rests at the national level Confederation o No time EU is not a state o Power is shared between the state regional level and the national level Final authority lies at the regional level o Individuals pay taxes to state level and states give money to national level International organization o In many international organizations EU Where does final authority lie o Which level does power lie o Mixed final authority lies at EU and some lies at domestic level Intergovernmentalism vs supranationalism o Intergovernmentalism State level EU is in agreement between governments Diplomacy Final authority rests at state level all states are equal Any one country can stop an agreement o Supranationalism Individual level EU is something above the countries Creating a power with actual power and responsibilities Competence EU gets to make decisions in this area Individuals are equal not states Individuals will have representation which votes on laws Theories of EU integration Neo functionalism o Broad theory Things exist because they fill particular functions Demands for integration Popular theory in early years of integration in early 70s it stagnated Integration starts small then rise over time Intergovernmentalism o Different from the approach o The theory said that the intergovernmentalism approach is all that exists not supranationalism o EU as a supranational body is all fiction o We should expect very little integration because states are sovereign Liberal Intergovernmentalism o Liberal democratic preferences of individuals matter freedom o Combo of A and B o Might be demands for integration flexible theory Historical and rational choice institutionalism Preferences x Institutions Outcomes o Fundamental equation of politics Need to know who actors are and who their preference are States generally actors Preferences What do the actors prefer and what rules govern that decision Need to know the institutions rules of the game Types of regional economic blocs Free Trade Area FTA Customs Union CU Single Common Market Homework Chapter 1 2 Dinan History of the EU 1945 1957 1 29 12 4 01 PM The Legacy of the World Wars The need for economic reconstruction o Everything was destroyed during WWII o Workers died in war factories destroyed farms destroyed etc The memory of the Treaty of Versailles o Ended WWI Germany must pay for everything accept blame etc o Germany had to pay massive funds to France Britain US Sent Germany economy to the floor Franco German mistrust o After the war wanted to rebuild Germany instead of tearing them down again o France recognized that they needed to do something different that the previous Treaty o France was afraid that if Germany was to be rebuilt they would turn their armies back on France AGAIN o Controlled rebuilding France wanted to control this The need to rebuild Germany militarily and unite against common threat o Best way to defend against a strong USSR attack was to build up a strong o Foreign Aid program designed to rebuild Western Europe wanted to use this money as an attempt to get everyone to work together o Create an organization to distribute the money out to the countries non profit Early influence of the Cold War Germany The Marshall Plan organization Early attempts at European Integration Federalists v Unionists o Federalists Based off of US history Form one strong Federal union weaker state governments o Unionists Weaker position Churchill United States of Europe Cooperative body where leaders could get together and talk but have no actual power Voluntary cooperation The Congress Council of Europe o Similar to the Continental Congress o Create a constitution for Europe create a federal country o Brought in people from every country o Became a unionist situation where leaders can come together and talk The OEEC OECD o Organization for European Economic Cooperation Hand out Marshal Plan money Wanted it to turn into something with actual power didn t happen The ECSC Monnet and the Schuman Plan o Monnet French government minister Reconstruction of France Integration would occur through bargains between elitists If you start small with integration the domino effect would create more integration in other places Proposed the European defense team o Schuman Plan Why the Six o 6 Countries merged the Coal and Steel industry to solve the integration and economy
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