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END TO SPANISH NORTH AMERICAN FRONTIER SPANISH AMERICAN MEXICAN AMERICAN DISPUTES Anglo American immigration into the Spanish N American frontier coupled with Manifest Destiny led to US usurpation of former Spanish lands Latin American independence movements had weakened the Spanish military forces in the Americas After the US incorporated Spanish N American into its boundaries Americans began to see themselves as the protectors of the Western hemisphere Texas fight in war o Filibustering military adventuresome people who have military background who like to Private military Privately funded Only get spoils if they win Erin Burr is a famous American who decides he wants to invade Mexico Thinks that if he goes into Mexico as a filibuster and US will come to his aid and take over Mexico Fails and is forced to go in front of Congress o Empresarios given permission by the country who they are helping started by Moses F Austin and is succeeded by son Stephen Create a colony within a colony If Stephen was going to work in Mexico he had to swear allegiance to Mexico Started tension Stephen Brings 20 000 colonists Texas has 3 000 Mexicans in Texas Empresarios want to grow crops in this land bring their slaves but Mexico doesn t like slavery o Law of April 6 1830 puts a limit on the amount of immigrants that can live in Mexico o Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna becomes the leader of Mexico 1833 Extremely loyal to Mexico Send military forces to Texas just in case things get out of hand and need to capture the people that haven t sworn allegiance to Mexico Sends Martin Perfector de Cos as military leader in Texas 500 Mexican troops lands at Copano Bay to capture the people who didn t swear Mexican allegiances Stephen organizes his own soldiers to face the Mexican military Starts the war o Convention of 1836 Want slavery to be allowed in Texas Want the immigration limit gone Sam Houston is the US military leader o Battles Alamo originally presidio but really just a mission March 1836 Mexico wins Texas soldiers flee to San Jacinto followed by the Mexican army Sam Houston leads a surprise attack and captures Santa Anna San Jacinto Texas wins Negotiates 2 treaties o Treaties of Velasco Texas is an independent country they exchange prisoners of war Same Houston was the first president of Texas o A secret treaty was formed about Santa Anna He could be released but Santa Anna must recognize Texas as an independent country doesn t do this when he goes back to Mexico o Texas asks the US for annexation US didn t accept in 1836 1845 James K Polk decided to annex them in 1846 Mexican American War 1846 1848 o James K Polk was interested in annexing Texas and other western lands He sends Zachary Taylor to the disputed borders to provoke the Mexicans causing o John Slidel was interested in California and Mexico so he goes to Mexico to take it by force them to attack first in 1847 The main reason for this is because of Taylor s success o Taylor is defeated in his first battle and retreats and followed by the Mexican army o He is ultimately victorious due to more force land and water Winfield Scott came in by water and Taylor takes the land o The Treaty of Guadelope Hidalgo ends the war Mexico gives up Utah Colorado New Mexico and Texas Reaffirms that the Rio Gande is the border US has to pay 15 million Spanish American War 1898 o Platt Amendment Ciba gets independence from Spain US helps in the Treaty of Paris and states that Cuba must put this in their constitution Cuba cannot negotiate sign international treaties Grant pieces of land to the US for military bases and coaling stations Cuba is required to improve sanitation Makes Cuba a protectorate of the US for 35 years

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FSU LAH 1093 - End of Spanish Control in American Frontier

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