MEXICO S 2 TWO MOVEMENTS FOR INDEPENDENCE Mexico s oscillation between extreme political instability and stability in the 19th century laid the foundations for revolution Phase 1 INDEPENDENCE PERIOD o Drought in El Bajio decrease in agricultural production hurts the lower class the most The Creoles begin to hoard grain Guanajuato granary was an attack on a grain mill o Miguel Hidalgo is the first revolutionary leader His call for revolution is called the Grito De Delores 1810 Wanted to get rid of peninsulars Recruits the lower class to increase the numbers but still wants it to be a creole movement the only common tie the creoles and lower class have in common is their hatred for peninsulars but after that they hate each other Makes lose decrees these allowed him to gain more support from the lower class Abolishes slavery Abolishes taxes for Indians o March on Mexico City 60 000 people Used guerilla warfare Lose because the Spanish army had barracks in the city Once they retreat the Spanish captures Hidalgo and is tried in front of the Phase 2 Inquisition o Jose Maria Morelos y Pavon replaces Hidalgo as the new revolutionary leader is a mestizo so it s now a movement of the lower classes o Ferdinand VII asks Morelos to step down o Agustin de Iturbide is the next leader calls himself a constitutional emperor High rank in the Spanish army but walks away and joins the independence movement Calculated act of treason Plan de Iguala Constitutional monarchy o Santa Anna and Guadalupe Victoria plot against the new emperor want a democracy o Iturbide abdicates and goes into exile o Elects Guadalupe Victoria as president of Mexico He isn t reelected o Instability period o Santa Anna is elected President Mexican Political Instability o Wars with the US Texas Rebellion Mexican American War o Conservatives vs Liberals Conservatives upper class creoles clergy military leaders Leader is Felix Zuloaga Liberals lower class Indians Africans mestizo academics encourage neocolonialism to try and recover the economy Leader is Benito Juarez o Constitution of 1857 creates problems with Liberals and Conservatives Liberal Constitution Demands sales of all Church lands government gets profits Cease Creole large landowners land to redistribute Expand education and take it out of the control of the Church available to everyone Every man can vote o War of Reform 1858 1861 Both Juarez and Zuloaga are president at the same time Causes a Civil War French British and the Spanish intervene want to take control of more lands o French Occupation Napoleon III sends Maximilian I as the leader of Mexico Cinco de Mayo Elie Frederic Forey US Intervention and the French go to war in Europe Franco Prussian War and the French are thrown out o Porfiriato Sebastian Lerdo de Tejada vs Porfirio Diaz Diaz doesn t win but leads a military coup and takes leadership Positivism scientific racism outward signs of progress Cientificos had the sole job of implementing positivism technology clothing Rurales police force in the rural areas where Diaz s opposition would come from Could do anything that would maintain the peace Assassination Attempt 1897 Modernization Policies economic neocolonialism Lower import tax specifically trying to bring in US Light industrialization railroads mining oil REVOLUTIONARY PERIOD Revolutionaries differed on whether Mexico s problems required a political or social movement The bloody conflict of the Mexican Revolution slowly came to an end when the demands of the working class and peasantry became instutionalized through the government Mexicans would say revolution is still going on today Unfair exploitation of the land by moneyed Mexican and foreign elites Removal of Diaz took over o Workers strike in the Cananea Strike mine owned by American William Green workers Workers demands Green doesn t give into these demands so he calls on Diaz better hours and safety overtime payments Initially Diaz tells Green to deal with it himself Green creates a militia to take over the mine and kick out the workers Diaz must intervene now that Green has started a war within his mine Because of this Diaz says he wont run for president again he ends up running again in the next election o Francisco Madero vs Porfirio Diaz Madero is part of the anti Diaz party Diaz wins the election he cancels the election o Plan of San Luis Potosi is put out by Madero Plans a revolution If Diaz walks away before the day of the revolution then the revolution wouldn t happen and Madero would become president Diaz doesn t leave US support goes behind Madero o 2 military leaders north Pancho Villa and south Emiliano Zapata Zapata doesn t fully support Madero o Fall of Diaz in 1911 Civil War in Revolution o Madero s Presidency 1911 1913 Diaz goes into exile to France and takes all the money in the Mexican treasury Wants a political revolution not a social one Pretends to be interested in peasants with the Agrarian Commission wants to win over Zapata o Bernardo Reyes is Madero s first opposition leader Tries to start a revolution and Madero has him put in prison o Felix Diaz is the second opposition leader Leads a revolution and is put in the same prison as Reyes o Decena Tragica Reyes and Diaz are released from jail take over the jail Put together an army Tell Madero he needs to leave decides to leave town but is killed o The US sends Henry Lane Wilson to negotiate between the revolutionaries and Madero Wilson wants Victoriano Huerta to be the leader He is made the president of Mexico but isn t recognized by the people The people fall back on Villa and Zapata o Xochimilco Conference is held to decide to overthrow Huerta have a social revolution and elect a president o Venustiano Carranza as president Constitution 1914 Land Article 27 any land ceased by Diaz would be returned to the Indians o Neighbor must testify that it truly was the owner s land o Elites end up taking over the most of these lands Labor Article 123 pay between all race or sex legalize strikes and union 8 hour work day work week minimum wage equality of o Requires that the government must be involved in union interaction This Constitution didn t work Ejido System of Agrarian Reform 1917 Holds land collectively no individual ownership of land Nationalize oil industry o Strike breaks out between workers and oil industry Carranza tries to mediate The political and social benefits of 19th century economic growth in Mexico weren t extended to the middle class and the peasants
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