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UNIT I Lecture 1 Organismal Diversity Depict the importance of organismal diversity graphically and in words Having more species leads to greater stability in the face of climatic fluctuation Studies lead to new technologies drugs foods etc Biomimicry using structures and ideas from nature Visualize diversity estimates in multiple ways Around 2 million species described We may never know how many species there are because of extinction List at least 2 3 questions to ask that might help you identify or Lecture 2 Taxonomy differentiate species Physical features Habitat Diet Apply hierarchical classification units from kingdom to species if given a group of organisms Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus species Correctly punctuate scientific names The first word is the Genus and it s capitalized and the second word is the specific epithet in lower case both in italics or separately underlined List reasons that names are important Communicate across all languages Some species don t have common names Be able to access resources for taxonomists Field tools specimen collections scientific illustrations Lecture 3 Evolution List the conditions necessary for evolution to occur Anything that causes a change in allele frequency Mutation Natural selection Gene flow Genetic drift Non random mating Required for natural selection Phenotypic variation in population Variation was heritable Variation influenced the reproductive success of individuals If given an example of change over time at any scale allele protein physical trait behavior recognize that it is evolution Compare and contrast the definitions and beneficial harmful and neutral mutations evolutionary significance of Distinguish evolution from natural selection Natural selection is one mechanism of evolution evolution is the change in alleles over time If given an example of evolutionary change distinguish whether the mechanism is genetic drift vs natural selection Genetic Drift allele frequency change due to stochastic random events some individuals surviving and reproducing randomly much more pronounced in small populations Lectures 4 5 Phylogenetics Interpret relationships among taxa as visualized on a phylogenetic tree start at individual level and work up to hierarchical clusters Identify characters as homoplasious or homologous Homologous traits that are evolved from a common ancestor Homoplasious traits that aren t inherited from a common ancestor independently Identify clades as monophyletic If given a character matrix draw the corresponding phylogenetic tree Use correct terminology to discuss different parts of the trees or tree inference Sister taxa taxon share the same base of divergence Lectures 6 7 Viruses Bacteria and Archaea Describe why viruses are not considered to be alive Can t reproduce without a host Cannot self divide They don t need to consume energy to survive Describe the similarities and differences among bacterial archaeal and eukaryotic cells Describe the evidence that links Archaea to Eukarya Al Loss of peptidoglycan New methods for DNA packing and replication repair and translation compared to bacteria New enzymes compared to bacteria DNA homology of multiple other genes Discuss diversity of life styles and human impacts of Viruses Bacteria and Archaea Archaean can live in extreme conditions and bacteria live many different lifestyles heterotrophic and autotrophic depending on the species Lecture 8 Major Clades I Explain the endosymbiotic hypothesis and origin of the eukaryotes A pre eukaryote engulfed a bacterium capable of doing aerobics respiration producing much more ATP per unit of food intake List at least one synapomorphy and give examples of the major clades Amoebozoa Opisthokonta Excavata Lecture 9 Major Clades II List at least one synapomorphy and give examples of the major clades Archaeplastida Rhizaria Alveolata and Stramenopila Describe the morphological and evolutionary diversity among the organisms called algae Explain the origins of the primary and secondary plastids Primary cyanobacteria Secondary red alga

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