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Daniel Isin GECIV 100 Sister Weber 26th February 2022 Week 8 Essay 3 Self reliance and the spirit of entitlement one a virtue and the other a vice In this essay we explore both traits and how they affect people We will also observe how self reliance aids in the development of economic virtue The Oxford dictionary defines self reliance as relying on one s own abilities and resources rather than those of others Self reliance is a personality trait shared by persons who truly exercise their agency and are accountable for their actions A self reliant individual understands that no favors are given to him or her in life and that if they want something they must earn it fairly Humility compassion meekness intergrity patience diligence a grateful heart and a fondness for hardwork are some additional significant characteristics of a self reliant individual This is not to say that someone attempting to be self reliant should not rely on others rather it indicates that the person recognizes that he or she is not entitled to another s talents or resources and is appreciative when a favor is extended This also is not to say that you should not be entitled to your human rights if you are self reliant as Ramsey Clark put it A right is not what someone gives you it s what no one can take from you True self reliance is plagued by the sense of entitlement Entitlement is a sign of arrogance narcissism and egotism It is a personality trait based on the assumption that an individual is owed special treatment or credit for something they did not earn To put it differently those who have this perspective feel that the world owes them everything without ever contributing anything back Laziness impatience ingratitude greed inconsideration jealousy and meanness are some of the other fruits of this tree An entitled person has a proclivity to set objectives based on their own self image which frequently puts them at odds with others At heart an entitled individual longs to be cherished and admired He or she seeks approval from peers while also demanding to be respected They are trying to relieve their own mental misery by enforcing their superiority since they are so terribly full of anxieties and insecurities We have seen the distinctions between self reliance and entitlement thus far Self reliant attributes must be developed when one attempts to become economically virtuous In truth the two are inextricably linked You have economic virtue if you are self reliant You must be self reliant if you claim to be a person of economic virtue When it comes to virtue the authorities of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints have this to say Virtue is a pattern of thought and behavior based on high moral standards It is the accumulation of thousands of small decisions and actions Virtuous women and men possess a quiet dignity and inner strength https www churchofjesuschrist org study manual gospel topics virtue lang eng They define virtue in a general sense but it may be tailored to self reliance and economic virtue Economic virtue is a pattern of thought and self reliant behavior based on high moral standards It is the accumulation of thousands of small decisions and actions to be self reliant Economic virtuous women and men possess a quiet dignity and inner strength Michael Bassey Johnson said If you truly want to be respected by people you love you must prove to them that you can survive without them To sum up one cannot have economic virtue without letting go of the unpleasant spirit of entitlement and learning to be self reliant It has been nothing but wonderful for me to strive for self reliance in my life

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