DQ1 Week 4 What are the benefits and risks of advertising and marketing health care products and services to potential health care consumers There are pharmaceutical companies medical device developers and healthcare professionals that are using the market to sell their services and their products to consumers Some of the benefits is the products must past rigorous FDA safety test Another benefit is the products have to be FDA approved before being able to be sold to the public Another benefit is you could help save someone s life You could make good money at developing a new product or service if you follow the proper laws One benefit to advertising a product for medical purposes is it is monitored by the Federal Trade Commission All marketing materials have to include disclaimers about the possible side effects of the medication drug interactions and contraindications Some of the risk would be if you failed to follow the FTC marketing laws you would face a costly law suit Another risk would be law suits from someone who claims your product didnt t perform the way it was advertised you have to be sure that you research and try your product before offering it to the public because if you don t it could end up a big mess Laws suits wrongful death suits could happen if you falsely advertised your product or service Response 2 The risk and benefits of advertising and marketing of health care products and services to consumers has always been a very touchy subject and even more so since the internet is a household word in most homes Even if the family does not have access at home to the internet many do at school work and the library The benefits come in the form of education to the consumer provide the ability to shop around for the best prices and compare products research the information provided to ascertain if the data given is accurate and reliable according to the FDA and or other resources Gives the consumer options of products In reference to the risks several risks apply to the marketing of health care products and services Many consumers may not be aware that all products and services are not held accountable by government entities for the information provided Numerous products and services can be misleading and even not truthful in what the product or service can provide Consumers could see the product or service as a replacement to seeking medical help from a professional Consumers must strive to be informed however those who market and advertise health care products should be held accountable to provide truthful and factual information along with presenting the data in a manner in which the average consumer would understand
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