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Running head DEMOGRAPHIC PAPER 1 Demographic Paper HCS 490 DEMOGRAPHIC PAPER 2 Demographic Paper Introduction In this paper I will discuss the demographic center around health care The population of seniors 65 and older in the United States and how it is affecting society today The area of concern is health care and the highest population that it effects The senior population is growing and changing every year This is creating challenges for many American of all ages many are coping with issues such as social security health care housing and other national issues that are important to the aging population This paper will touch on the issues that the seniors are faced with everyday DEMOGRAPHIC PAPER 3 In 2000 approximately 605 million people were 60 years or older By 2050 that number is expected to be close to 2 billion At that time seniors will outnumber children 14 and under for the first time in history Johnson 2008 As more and more seniors are approaching retirement age 78 million baby boomers are shifting significantly Elder care is becoming the fastest growing business than child care It is taking on a new urgency In less than ten years more than 12 million seniors will need long term care Johnson 2008 The issue of misdistribution of workers will reduce to an inadequate supply of heath care workers Hence there is a need for future health care work force in specific geographic areas First we will have to look at the population in some rural areas and many have less access to health care services than other surrounding areas Many of the older population that resides in rural areas will probably remain Although there is less resources many cannot afford to move and are on fixed incomes Then there are the older adults who reside in urban areas and have unlimited resources in regards to their health care needs Also the urban areas have influx of minorities living with fewer resources per capital greater health care needs and less access to health care Jonson 2008 This is affecting health care because of the uneven regional growth of the population Therefore with both short term and long term care in this area in experiencing rapid growth in population having shortages in health care workers The cost of health care has been increasing for several years The Unites States has spent more than 2 3 trillion in 2008 alone in health care cost Ranji 2010 Although many Americans has benefited from the investment in health care with recent DEMOGRAPHIC PAPER 4 rapid cost along with economic slowdown Nonetheless it is causing great strains on the system with workers paying more out of pocket health care expense many our having great difficulties in managing The other key element that has driven the health care cost up is prescription drugs Prescription drugs are the fuel for health care With new and improvement to existing drugs and the patient s wanting to try the latest in the drug arena This plays another factor in the cost in health care rising The combination of the new and improved prescription drugs and technology Many of the older adults are living a lot longer in recent studies The aging population with the baby boomers is now in their middle years in caring for this population has raised the cost In 2011 many will begin qualifying for Medicare and Medicaid this cost then is shifted to the public sector Ranji 2010 Health care cost are not going up they are going down and with the public funds are paying for a larger cost through Medicaid Hence leaving very little funds for other programs like health and wellness The more chronic debilitating diseases are cardiovascular diseases cancer diabetes and respiratory diseases are among the killers Several states are now realizing the importance of strategies that help reduce this risk Hospitalization health care cost and long term disability plays a big role in effecting cost Fierro 2006 Policy makers are facing tough choices everyday in trying to combat the rising cost in chronic diseases Policy makers believe that many of these chronic diseases are preventable and that many people can and should manage their care With chronic disease prevention and wellness programs have shown to reduce cost DEMOGRAPHIC PAPER 5 successfully Hence many policymakers are convinced that implementing policies and wellness programs to promote physical activity good nutrition and avoid tobacco use Fierro 2006 Several states have adopted ways to improve their marketing approach to improve health care Several have offered their employees to get their blood pressures checked offer cessation programs Many health insurance programs will help cover a percentage of a health club membership Johnson Johnson is one of many marketing approaches to reduce chronic illness saving 8 5 million Johnson Johnson s Health and Wellness Program is credited with Per year from 1990 1999 This programs implemented Employee Assistance EAP and LIFEWORKS Programs to help employees personal issues and achieve work life balance Proactive Health Assessments to help employees assess their risk for certain problems and offer assistance to decrease their risk Workplace Health Programs to help ensure the health and safety of employees Wellness and Fitness Services to offer additional opportunities such as on site address health fitness centers that address the health and wellness needs of employees Wellness professionals available for individual counseling DEMOGRAPHIC PAPER 6 Health fairs and Lunch Learn sessions Fierro 2006 The individual patient the community and society as a whole need to address these following challenges Those individuals who are still working should participate in the programs that their jobs have to offer Possibly look for ways to eat healthy and exercise on a continuous basis Follow up with their health care provider and make all necessary doctors appointments Adapt healthy lifestyles so that when age begins to catch up with people that many will be able to maintain a healthy life Many of us should try to avoid fast food restaurants or pick form a more nutritious menu DEMOGRAPHIC PAPER 7 Conclusion In this paper there were several issues that were address The cost of health care and how it is affecting our society today How the baby boomers are reaching their peak in age where they are ready to tap into the Medicare and Medicaid system Hence with the baby boomers reaching the point of needing long term care or in home services It is putting an undue burden but necessary

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UOPX HCS 490 - Demographic Paper

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