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BRING COMPUTER AND PHOTO ID 7 30am WENIGER 151 Processors Transistors smallest piece of the hardware Integrated Circuit faster more reliable cheaper helped us move along to the size of our devices today There are thousands of TRANSISTORS on integrated circuits Central Processing Unit CPU The BRAIN of the computer where all the processing occurs we will not have to know what CPU stands for on a test also known as a microprocessor Multi Core Processor figured out ways to connect processors to get 2 3x more power Moore s Law The number of transistors on a chip will double every two years Multiprocessing Hooking up more than 1 computer to increase productivity Motherboard All of the electronic circuit are either directly hardwired on to the motherboard or attached in some other way The traffic coppers grand central Buses Motherboards communicate through these The transportation of information External buses system buses There is either wires on the motherboard that connect all the parts or they are connected through a bus Machine Cycle CPU 1 Fetch 2 Decode control unit 3 Execute ALU 4 Store either temp or permanent memory Storage Random Access Memory RAM Stored in the motherboard can easily be replaced added Consider RAM to be a bucket and everything that your computer needs to perform it s task needs to be in the bucket at the time that your computer needs it to function so things are constantly being swapped in and out of the bucket When your computer freezes that means too many things are in the bucket and so the computer doesn t know what to do it s confused If your computer is running too slowly it is a memory problem so add more RAM Video Memory There is special memory for just video so the throughput is more efficient Music and video needs a lot of memory because of the graphics Read Only Memory ROM Cannot be changed hardwired onto the motherboard factory installed won t work quite Place the computer goes to look for how to do things The start up procedure I ve been woken up what do I do Booting up your device accesses ROM Magnetic Storage The method by which the info is stored through magnetic properties It is more permanent than RAM but not as stable as optical storage RAM is volatile meaning unstable CLICKER Q ROM is permanent Optical Storage Light beams create this Long term permanent CD s was the first Now DVD s and BluRay Solid State Storage More stable than anything else we have just talked about because it uses transistors and does not have moving parts Flash drives really small and fits in the palm of your hand The key has been making it smaller but still efficient Cloud Storage This is very new Instead of storing the information on your device you store your information on the internet on an outside server Exposed to hackers may not always be available no internet connection etc It is a great backup 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Input Output I O Input is how we communicate with the device The three basic input devices are keyboard mouse microphone General purpose input device Touch screen Special purpose input device devices that can only do 1 thing i e barcode scanner video game controller Output device Three basic monitor speakers printer Video Card Integrated onto the motherboard directly Display 19 display means corner to corner on the screen Printer Most common are inkjet or lazerjet Impact and dot matrix printers were from a long time ago Impact printers are needed for multiple copies Audio and Special Media Output Music ringtone vibrate Expansion Cards Help you increase the capabilities of your laptop or device REVIEW QUESTIONS Computers need hardware and software to operate The clock radio is an older example of convergence A web server would store and deliver web pages An iPod is an example of a special purpose computer The motherboard is the primary circuit of a computer to which all core components are connected One drawback of storing data in the cloud is security Commands and user responses are examples of input for a computer Software Software Engineering Computer Programming statements and instructions for the computer Specific method for the computer The writing of the programs Programming Languages How we create computer programs Complier changes things into 1s and 0s Creates source code Application Programming Interface A set of tools that help create software based on a specific operating system or online service Acquiring Software Off the Shelf Software You take it off the shelf and you start using it Microsoft word excel powerpoint outlook Custom Designed Software For a particular project industry reason you can take off the shelf software and modify it for your needs Custom written from stretch to fit the software that you need Can be expensive Cloud Computing Accessed on the internet Google Docs Software License Freeware Free off the internet Adobe acrobat reader Open Source Software It allows programmers to acquire and change open sources to software The code is included with the purchase of the program Operating system linux Application software openoffice org Database software MySOL Internet browser Mozilla Firefox Instant Messaging Jabber Internet TV Miro Graphics GIMP Creative Commons License Allows creators of intellectual property to share or not share by a creative commons license cc shows if you are allowed or not allowed to use someones work do you need to pay for it what can you take or not take out of their idea do you need permission etc Managing Software Installing Software Usually comes on a disc or off of the internet There are standard places these programs go on your computer such as the downloads folder Must agree with the licensing agreement however be weary of third party downloads to see if you will get any bugs along with the download Maintaining Software Updating fixes the programs problems post downloading Installing a new version of the software Office 2007 to Office 2010 iTunes In between new versions you install patches to take care of specific problems Uninstalling Software Causing problems don t use it anymore free up space You can t get it back after you uninstall a program You can uninstall a program from the control panel or the start menu A computer program is a set of instructions or statements to the computer A PC does not come with custom software Microsoft is not freeware adobe reader AVG anti virus software and thunderbird are examples of freeware Proprietary software like Microsoft is not supported by open source

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