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03 05 2012 The Rise of Consumer Culture 1 Consumer Culture and Advertising a Disaccumulation i Making more things that aren t needed There s a huge surplus in ii American economy goes from a production economy to a good in America consumption economy iii Different things are valued in these different economies iv Ads were more about getting products to the people who were going to sell them to people So ads weren t flashy they were informative b marginal differentiation c Walter Dill Scott The Psychology of Advertising 1903 2 Modernity and the Therapeutic Ethic a Sigmund Freud b Flappers c F Scott Fitzgerald The Great Gatsby 1925 1 Herbert Hoover and Associationism a In these 20 years America experiences the highest and lowest rates of prosperity in its history b Hoover is the 3rd republican president in a row People say that they were so prosperous because of these 3 presidents This is because they let companies do things less regulated c Hoover thought that gov t should be their to encourage business not limit it d Herbert built the Commerce Department into the second most important department to the Sec of State 2 The Collapse of American Capitalism a The Crash Oct 1929 b Hoover s Response c Reconstruction Finance Corporation RFC d The Bonus March i Anacostia Flats 3 The Election of 1932 a The Brains Trust and the New Deal b The Inauguration b The main challenge to the president was that the government should 1 Reaction a Republicans oppose the New Deal get more not less involved c 3 people did this i Huey Long 1 Every Man a King 1933 a Was his plan was called his share our wealth plan b Take money from the rich and give to the poor through taxation 2 Share Our Wealth Plan a He said that anyone that made over a million dollars a year was taxed at 100 and that went to the government b This makes sure that everyone makes at least 5000 a year c This helps so that everyone can maintain a certain standard of living d There was 7 million Americans in Share Our Wealth clubs e Roosevelt was scared that Long would take support from him f His movement dies when he is assassinated ii Dr Francis Townsend 1 Townsend Old Age Pension Plan a This gives money 200 a month to senior citizens b The stipulation was that they had to quit their jobs so that younger people would then be able to have more jobs c The other stipulation was that they had to spend it in that month iii Father Charles Coughlin 1 National Union for Social Justice a Priest from Detroit b He started to give his sermons over the radio to receive money for a new cathedral c He at one time was receiving more fan mail than the president d He was first a religious preacher but as the Depression worsened he became more political e He started a group that grew vastly that said that the banks would be nationalized f He blamed bankers and said that most bankers were Jews and started an anti sematic movement g He didn t have support to run for office Only Long had that kind of support iv The Supreme Court 1 9 cases brought up that challenged the New Deal as unconstitutional a Schechter v United States i Says that the NIRA is unconstitutional ii Says that the gov t overstepped its bounds b Court Packing Plan 2 Reform and the Second New Deal a Banking i Banking Act of 1935 b Agriculture i AAA of 1938 c Industry d Labor i Wagner Act 1935 ii National Labor Relations Board e Wealth and Income i Social Security Act 1935 spend the money 3 Conclusion 1 The gov t taking Towson s plan and putting it into the New Deal The only thing they change is that the seniors didn t have to a The New Deal doesn t bring the country out of the Depression What does is WWII WWII jump starts the American economy b It does create a new role for the gov t People now expect the gov t to provide more than before People lean more on the gov t 1 Women a Work cleaning i People associated women s work with house keeping cooking and ii Women have to make less money go farther They can just buy new clothes and stuff they have to sew more etc iii Also some women are going outside the home to get jobs Most of these women were single women This is because most Americans thought that married women especially with children should stay home and take care of the kids iv Working women had openings only in what people thought was women s work They got things like nursing secretarial etc Nursing was the only career that women could have most other things were jobs not careers v Employers thought it was okay to pay women less vi In 1937 avg woman made 537 a year whereas a man made 1027 a year b Social Status c Politics i Senator Hattie Caraway Arkansas ii Frances Perkins Sec of Labor 2 African Americans a and Hoover b and FDR i Marion Anderson ii Walter White NAACP 3 Native Americans a Reorganization i John Collier ii Indian Reorganization Act 1934 03 05 2012 03 05 2012

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LSU HIST 2057 - The Rise of Consumer Culture

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