HISTORY 2057 Progressivism From the Grassroots to the White House Early 20th century Trends from late 19th century still going on Urbanization immigration Power of business labor unrest Wealth disparity poverty Efforts to address problems going on in late 19th century Driven by concerns about social instability inequity Also concerns about power of business corruption Concerns activism in the late 19th century grow strengthen By early 1900s coalesce into Progressive movement Time period 1890s 1920s Variety of responses to social and economic problems Problems often related to industrialization Began as social reform movement transformed into political Initially not limited to one party or another Formed at local level moved to national Goals of progressives diverse varied Limiting regulating business Protecting expanding democracy Addressing reducing social ills poverty alcoholism Progressives tended to be Urban middle class educated Both men and women Found in white and black communities Progressives shared faith in activism Early years progressives tended to reject social Darwinism Thought problems were related to society economy Didn t see problems as being related to inferior makeup Believed good education government and efficiency could character address problems Disliked corruption and waste in business or government Believed technical expertise was best for society Relying on trained and educated professionals to offer solutions Advocated Gospel of Efficiency business and govt run smoothly Scientific management Using science observation and good management to make Felt govt was well suited to enact reforms regulations Chang in views on govt from gilded age What influenced Progressives Growing sense of urgency and social economic turmoil Different groups and ideas influenced movement Social reformers Target inequality injustice Also element of social control mistrust of certain groups o Immigrants poor Christian especially protestants Saw reform religious duty Social gospel movement Emphasized applying religious ethics to business dealing with poverty Walter Rauschenbush NY 1907 Christianity and the social crisis Christians should work for and with poor Transatlantic influences Great Britain Germany William Stead British minister Advocated civic church churches and reformers sailed together Settlement house movement originated in Great Britain Germany was seen as a model of how to protect society and work woth business Women also influenced Progressivism One quarter of the workforce was made of women workers Joined unions in growing numbers 1903 Women s trade union league Tended to emphasize women stole as social housekeepers Taking care of health and welfare of families communities Laborers unions influences Wanted better working conditions Higher wages By 1920 AFL had 4 million members Newer unions organized immigrants women 1905 Industrial workers of the world IWW the Wobblies More radical than AFL Used strike sit ins rallies Very diverse membership Socialism also influenced Progressive Movement Wanted public ownership of railroads utilities communication Also housing reforms and factory inspections Eugene V Debs Indiana labor leaders Formed Socialist party of America in 1901 Won in Wisconsin NY Not widely accepted but did force progressives to incorporate more radical reforms Not all Americans supported Progressivism Protestant fundamentalists Church should save souls bot push for reforms Business interests often opposed Targeted muckraking journalism o Ida Tarbell Upton Sinclair Used advertising boycotts to pressure newspapers magazines Went after unions sometimes violently o 1914 Ludlow CO o Colorado fuel and iron company o Went on strike state militia goes to strike and shoot and kill strikers Two areas Progressives enacted reforms First area social reforms Pursuit of social justice a more equitable fair society for pubic Wanted to make society and economy more balanced Address problems that affected peopled lives well being Urban reforms Improve sewer systems curtail disease Improve building codes safety o 1901 New York Tenement House Law Public parks Established 400 settlement houses to help poor Urban reforms meant to improve public health and safety immigrants Labor reforms Child labor 1904 National Labor Committee established Studied documented problems led reform By 1914 every state but one had minimum working age Reforms for women also enacted Set maximum hours for women Criticized for being paternalistic Failed to set women up for economic independence Education workforce Seen as way to advance and prepare better trained Also about assimilating conditioning citizens to be good members of society Between 1880 1920 compulsory laws passed requiring o Attendance kindergartens o Training for teachers o School nurses Regional racial differences in application o South focused on segregation limited advances o Native Americans trained in manual labor Women s reproductive rights Margret Sanger nurse and IWW organizer Promoted use of birth control Saw effects of unwanted multiple pregnancies in NYC 1914 published Woman Rebel Argued that women s bodies should belong only to them Said that women had to control own reproduction to get true equality Social reforms not always about fairness equality Sometimes about control imposing morality standards Especially true with immigrants Strong element of nativism in Progressive movemtn Some wanted to limit immigration 1917 congress impoased literacty test on new immigrants Others wants to focus on education Americanizing immigrants Emphasize patriotism loyaly to americ Other arrears that had moral component to reform Prohibition Nativists religious elements Started at local and state levels early 1900s 1920 18th amendment ratified Prostitution Seen as social evil 1910s vice districts being shut down by federalgovernment Storyville New Orleans 2nd Area of reform Government and politics democracy Women s suffrage Various aims expanding democracy getting rid of Failed to gain traction in 19th century Seen as outside proper sphere for women s roles Changed approach in 1900s Not just about equality emphasized women s maternal role Combined with role in WWI led to success By 1919 39 states will full or partial suffrage 1920 19th amendment gave women right to vote
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