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Progressive Presidents 1900 1916 T Roosevelt Taft Wilson I Roosevelt Business The Trust Buster A Herbert Croly 1 Federal government needs to control selfish individualism that has spread throughout America 2 Need a strong state that would enforce regulations 3 Lessen the problems of industrial society B The Square Deal 1 Three priorities a Control corporations b Consumer protection 1 Elkin s Act 1903 required railroads to stick to the times that they published 2 Pure Food and Drug Act 3 Hepburn Act strengthened interstate commission c Conservation of natural resources C Northern Securities Company 1 Violated the Sherman Anti Trust Act and became a trust a merger of two JP Morgan largest investment banker Northern Pacific Railroad powerful railroads by JP Morgan and James J Hill a b James J Hill Great Northern Railroad c Found a loophole in Sherman Anti Trust and tried to buy a smaller railroad line together 2 Supreme Court ruled in favor of Roosevelt 3 Reform a Federal government must approve any corporation mergers b Gentlemen s Agreements 4 Most mergers were approved by federal government 5 JP Morgan agreed to buy a number of investments to save the economy from a stock market crash in 1907 a Roosevelt allowed JP Morgan to merge with Carnegie s steel D President s Dream of a Successful Hunt cartoon 1907 a Hunting down bad trusts and has restraints on good trusts b Teddy bear E Hepburn Act 1906 1 Strengthened the Interstate Commerce Commission a Gave them the right to examine railroads financial records b Could determine the rates for all interstate travel F Gifford Pinchot 1 First Chief of US Forests Service 2 Timber and Forest reserves a Set aside land but all lumber companies couldn t use it b Pinchot had tremendous power 3 National Parks a Yellowstone 1872 Yosemite 1890 b Now they get a lot of government intervention and need to remove Indians and construct accessible railroads G Sierra Club 1 John Muir in charge of protecting the national parks 2 Muir gave Roosevelt a tour 3 Challenged the idea that logging mining on public lands are okay if regulated Sierra Club lobbied against 4 Hetch Hetchy Valley a After San Francisco earthquake SF wanted to build a dam b Sierra Club sued c SF won Roosevelt didn t help II Taft the Election of 1912 A Robert La Follette State reforms Referendum Direct Elections 1 Number of reforms at the state level around the country 2 3 Direct Elections Primaries Idea was to get people involved in government It was up to the parties how the nominees got nominated a b Often nominated by the leaders of the party c Choices were limited to the people in charge of the party d Direct primaries Each party is required to have an election to choose candidates 5 Referendum 4 Initiative a Allowed the people to propose legislation by putting up a petition a Legislature had to propose a law but the votes had to vote whether or not this state law would be approved 6 Robert La Follette a One of the most active elected progressives Gov then Sen Of Wisconsin b Started the Progressive Party was initially a Republican c Fighting Bob Increased the salaries of government workers 1 2 Allowed cities to acquire lands for parks 3 Allowed state to install a system of insurance 4 Provided for the recall of any public elected officer except judges a LA has never had a recall election b Governor of CA was recalled Arnold Schwarzenegger elected post recall 7 Many people found these reforms made them feel less connected to the government many were confused by the process B Sixteenth Seventeenth Amendments 1913 1 Sixteenth Amendments a Gave Congress the power to put out a federal income tax b Charged higher tax rates to wealthier people c Especially popular by farmers and people out West d Gave more of burden of taxes to Industrialists in the Northeast e Less of a need to tax individual goods like tariffs 2 Seventeenth Amendment a Required direct election of senators C Payne Aldrich Tariff 1909 D Roosevelt s New Nationalism Speech 1 Roosevelt says that the government should actively protect the interest of the public from business 2 Talking about the welfare of citizens 3 Roosevelt gets nomination of the Progressive Party

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LSU HIST 2057 - Progressive Presidents

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