09 11 2012 04 51 00 Turner Review for Exam 2 Comm 250 Introduction to Communication Theory The exam will cover Chapters 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 and 12 in your text West I would like you to know names associated with the theories Dates are less important i e I will not test you on dates Symbolic Interaction Theory SIT George Herbert Mead 1934 What is the goal purpose of SIT o To explain how humans through interactions with one another create symbolic worlds and how these worlds affect behavior What are SIT s concepts and explanations How are the concepts defined How do the explanations for each concept relate to one another o Mind ability to use symbols that have common social meanings We can not negotiate these meanings within contexts Cant interact until we have language Mind reflects and creates society o Self ability to reflect on ourselves from perspective of others Looking glass self we look in mirror and ask ourselves what do other people think of me We internalize this Pygmalion Effect living up to other people s expectations Self fulfilling prophecy a prediction about yourself causing you to behave in such a way that it becomes true o Society The web of social relationships humans create What research has been generated from SIT o Chicago School Tested SIT in a qualitative way Looked at conversations between people and tried to extract meaning from the conversations o Iowa School Studied SIT in a quantitative way Focused on the idea of self concept and how the self develops I am gives researcher indication of sense of self We start with demographic things boy brown hair then we move into detailed things I am fearful of future I am happy etc o The New Iowa School Student of Kuhn but disagreed w him Said SIT should not be tested empirically It s talking about the negotiation of meaning Best way to study SIT is qualitatively Video tape conversations and extract meaning from conversations How do symbolic interactionist theorists define communication Relate to issues involved in defining communication What are SIT s metatheoretical assumptions Ontological Epistemological Axiological Is SIT a good theory i e evaluate SIT using the evaluation criteria presented in class The Coordinated Management of Meaning CMM Pearce 1976 Pearce Cronen 1980 Goal Purpose of CMM Explanation in CMM o To explain how people co create meaning in conversation o People use rules to create and interpret meaning o Use different rules and achieve different meaning o Meaning is constantly coordinated o You may change your mannerism based on the reaction of another person with different rules Assumptions guiding CMM o People create systems of meaning o Meaning doesn t exist in isolation its created through a system o Organize meaning hierarchically people take a look at the words and look at different situational contextual factors to figure out what the words mean o Organize meaning temporally to make sense of a convo interaction we have to start at some place put a beginning middle and end o People co create a social reality o Behavior is not interpretable except in a larger context need to look at relationship to know what people mean Hierarchy of Meaning Content Speech Acts Contract Episodes Punctuation Life Scripts Cultural Patterns o Content definition of the word what do these words actually o Speech Acts we can do things to people based on the language words we use o The Intent behind our conversations words o Ex When you re trying to be sarcastic o Contract relationship that two people in interaction have o Episodes the idea that we look at conversations in time mean order o Punctuation where we punctuate the event where we decide the event start gives its meaning to us o Ex Situation between husband and wife o o The wife punctuates this episode at withdraw husband withdraws she has to nag o The husband punctuates this episode at nagging wife is nagging husband needs to withdraw o Life Scripts helps us determine meaning o Ex My father was raised in a very traditional home where the man is the head of the house My mother was raised in a more modern home When these two people get married ther is lots of conflict They wanted to do things differently because their life scripts taught them different values o Cultural Patterns a particular type of life script that people from different cultures have different values o When people from different cultures are communicating cultural pattern problem According to the theory how is meaning coordinated between What are the three outcomes that can occur when people try to people coordinate meaning o 3 Possible Outcomes o We coordinate meaning o We don t coordinate meaning o We co create partially create meaning interpersonal aspect Coordination of meaning depends on what three things How do they work in the coordination of meaning o Sense of morality ethics o Available resources bring experiences resources that we have into our conversations o Following rules they believe that we can come to a common meaning through following rules The use of rules in the CMM What are rules according to the What are constitutive definition rules and regulative behavior rules How do they function in the coordination of meaning o Constitutive what a message should mean within a given theory context o Behavior expectations regarding behavior based on words ex I love you so take me out to dinner What research has been done to support CMM Evaluation of CMM i e evaluate the theory using the evaluation criteria presented in class and in your text How do CMM theorists define communication Relate to issues involved in defining communication What are CMM s metatheoretical assumptions Ontological Epistemological Axiological o Ontological Communication is social o RULES THEORY Cognitive Dissonance Theory CDT Festinger 1957 Goal purpose of CDT o To explain how inconsistent beliefs and behaviors lead to attitude change o To predict PRIMARY GOAL Assumptions of all cognitive consistency theories o People strive to be consistent in their cognitions o Inconsistency creates tension which is unpleasant o Tension provides motivation to restore consistency o Motivation to restore consistency will only occur with awareness of inconsistency o Consistency is cognitive CDT s concepts cognition consonance dissonance irrelevance cognitive dissonance magnitude of dissonance etc o Cognitions Consonance everything is in sync Two thoughts or a behavior and thought are consistent with each other Dissonance two
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