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Comm 250 Final Study Outline Communication definition Defining Communication Models of communication Linear Model Noise Physical noise Semantic noise Psychological noise Physiological noise Interactioal Model Transactional Model Process in which individuals use symbols to establish and interpret meaning in their environment Intentional Correspondence Successful Ethical Honest Include symbolic actions Include cognition perception and thought Human human 1 Linear 2 Interaction 3 Transactional 1 Sender person who has meaning that they want to get across 2 Channel outlet for how we send a receive messages 5 senses non verbal hear touch smell 3 Receiver person who receives the message Anything that interferes w sending and receiving of messages channels 4 types o Physical noise o Semantic noise o Psychological noise o Physiological noise Ex construction visual distractions Any noise that is external to the participants Noise that is based on word meaning Ex if someone uses a word you don t understand foreign languages technical terms Noise is internal in the mind of the sender receiver Ex personal bias opinions that affects behavior what you think internally Noise in the body internally Ex tired sick hungry hearing disorder hinders message from being received Stop and go oriented 1 Feedback response from receiver o Lets sender know the meaning that receiver got from message o Ex texts emails 2 Field of experience everything that you bring to the communication experience o Ex age culture ethinicity o Needs to overlap in some field of experience in order to understanding to take place On going process Simultaneously sending receiving Both parties are responsible for creation of meaning Multiple feedback to reach common understanding Takes places in a context environment changes rules for communication Theory Stephen Little John Theory Mary John Smith Taxonomy Model Is Taxonomy a theory Is a model a theory Goals of theory Any conceptual representation or explanation of a phenomenon A set of statements specifying an explanatory relationship b w Label of things two or more classes of phenomenon A relationship b w concepts Conceptual representation of categories of a phenomenon Simplified representation of reality Specifies relationship b w concepts Stephen Littlejohn and Mary John Smith would think a model is a theory because it is a conceptual representation but it also explains specifies relationships To describe To explain To predict To control A way to describe explain predict or control human Communication theory Metatheoretical assumptions Ontological studies the nature of reality Theories represent reality but it isn t reality in it of itself Epistemological study of knowledge communication behavior Epistemological Ontological Axiological 1 Do humans make real choices 2 Is human experience individual or social 3 Does context matter 1 Can knowledge exist before experience 2 Can knowledge be certain 3 By what process does knowledge arise Axiological studying values Empirical scientist Humanist Covering Laws Approach Positivistic Law Probabilistic Seek universal laws o Mentalism rationalism through thought o Empiricism through observation o Constructivism through people o Social constructivism created socially 4 Is knowledge best conceived in parts or in wholes 1 Is research value free 2 Does the practice of inquiry influence that which is studied 3 Should it attempt to achieve social change Knowledge is based on observation Structured steps to discovery Objective knowledge Goal explain predict sometimes control Quantitative research methods Goal understand Multiple meanings are acceptable Human behavior is voluntary MAIN GOAL predict No choice Communication is governed by forces beyond our control These forces LAWS Deterministic If X then Y Behavior shaped by force beyond our control Believes there is a choice Based on probability If X then probably Y under certain Z conditions Rules Approach Systems Approach Interpretive Approach Critical approach 3 stage model of communication inquiry Theories are abstractions Theories are constructions Building blocks of theory Principle of necessity logical force among concepts that makes a particular outcome necessary Quantitative Approach Qualitative approach Evaluation theory Symbolic Interaction Theory Choices People make purposeful choices to achieve goals Context specific MAIN GOAL to understand Why people choose to follow not follow rules Human behavior are part of a system Properties o Wholeness o Interdependence all parts are related o Hierarchy o Boundaries openness o Calibration feedback systems like stability o Equifinality different ways of achieving goal Try to put speech text into intelligible frame Primary goal understand Primary goal social change Stage 1 observe communication in real world Stage 2 discover theoretical explanations Stage 3 test theoretical explanations They are reality but not reality in it of themselves Theories are general enough to explain apply to a lot of concrete events People build theories Theories attempt to explain reality Concepts start w concrete events in real world o Group similar events into categories o Label categories o Define concepts Explanations identifies relationships among concepts Relies on principle of necessity 3 types of necessity 1 Causal explains events in terms of cause and effect laws 2 Practical behavior seen as intentional action designed to achieve goals rules 3 Logical argument must be logically consistent o Is foundation for causal and practical necessity Social scientist Laws theorists Surveys Humanist Rules theorists Precision how well explanation is laid out Testable Heuristic value Validity how close they are to reality Logical consistency Textual analysis identify speeches transcripts interviews Scope cant be too broad o Utility can be applied in real world o Correspondence of fit how well does it solve Parsimony George Herbert Mead Goal EXPLAIN how humans through interaction with one another create symbolic worlds and how these worlds affect behavior Assumptions people act based on symbolic meanings created b w them Concepts o Mind ability to use symbols that have common social meanings language Thought inner conversation Role taking o Self ability to reflect on ourselves from the perspect of others Looking Glass self what do other people think of me Pygmalion effect living up to other people s expectations thru direct interaction labels they give you o Society web of

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UMD COMM 250 - Final Study Outline

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