REL2300 July 11th Sixty nation economic conference organized to stabilize international Chapter 34 The Shadow of War London Economic Conference 1933 currency rates FDR revoked American participation Asian Withdrawal Foreign Policy Tydings McDuffie Act 1934 o Philippine independence promised Formally recognized Soviet Union 1933 Continued Good Neighbor Policy o Endorsed nonintervention o Haiti 1934 o Cuba o Panama Canal o Mexico o 1936 Inter American conference Reciprocal Trade Agreements Act o 1934 o Empowered FDR to lower tariffs up to 50 o Pacts with 21 countries by 1939 1933 Hitler withdrew form the League of Nations Johnson Debt Default Act Rome Berlin Axis o 1936 o Nazi Hitler and Fascist Mussolini Neutrality Acts of 1935 36 37 o No loans made to European countries that already owe money o Americans favored isolation o Applied arms embargo to both loyalist and rebel forces in Spain assuring Franco s victory Quarantine Speech 1937 o Country should take positive endeavors to quarantine land hungry dictators o Call to make economic blockade Do not trade or positively affect their economy Appeasement o Western Democracies accepted Hitler s assurance in March 1939 that his Czechoslovakian invasion would go no further than Sudetenland Stipulated that European democracies might buy American munitions but only if they could pay cash and transport them in their own ships Neutrality Act of 1939 Foreign Policy Hitler invaded Poland Sept 1 1939 England and France Declared War on Hitler France Fell 1940 FDR warned that war might be necessary The East Lend Lease The Atlantic Japan became Nazi Germany s formal military ally September 1940 U S embargo Japan bound supplies late 1940 The U S froze all Japanese assets in mid 1941 Forbid oil gas shipments to Japan An act further to promote the Defense of the United States Americans could sell unlimited supplies of army to any nation defending itself against its Axis Powers Arsenal of democracy Isolationists such as Charles Lindbergh objected U S destroyers began escorting shipments to allies in July 1941 Kearney damaged by U boat October 17 1941 Reuben James torpedoed and sunk by U boats on October 31 1941 FDR and Winston Churchill August 1941 Outlined future path toward disarmament peace and a permanent Atlantic Charter system of general security United Nations Foundation Pearl Harbor December 7 1941
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