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Objectives Symbolic Interaction Theory SIT 05 03 2014 07 59 00 Goal purpose of SIT SIT s concepts and explanations Research generated from SIT How SIT defines communication What are SIT s metatheoretical assumptions Evaluating SIT Intrapersonal Symbolic Interaction Theory SIT George Herbert Mead Mead fascinated by human s ability to use symbols o Mind Self and Society 1934 o Herbert Blumer Symbolic Interaction coined this term but it s George Herbert Mead s theory Goal of SIT To explain how humans through interaction with one another create symbolic worlds and how these worlds affect behavior Metatheoretical Assumptions context matters communication is a matter of choice Issues in defining comm symbolic action creation of meaning Assumptions regarding meanings and behavior Through interaction people create symbolic worlds Meaning is modified through an interpretive process o Correspondence we go back and forth and come to a common understanding People act based on the symbolic meanings created between them SIT s key concepts Mind o People s ability to use language Ability to use symbols that have common social meanings Language shared system of verbal and nonverbal symbols organized in patterns to express thoughts and feelings Language uses significant symbols have commonly shared meanings o Explanation We learn language through interaction with one another who teaches us our language parents teachers etc Through language Mind we Share meanings Anticipate responses of others Ex passing someone on campus and saying hi how are you means I m acknowledging your presence I don t necessarily care to hear the answer Mind reflects and creates society Use language to learn norms of society Change norms Ex protest to change something o Mind allows thought inner conversation We use language to think without social interaction we Thought allows role taking taking the perspective of can t think others Empathy Put ourselves in another person s shoes The development of self Self o Ability to reflect on ourselves from the perspective of others o Explanation Self develops from role taking Looking glass Self Cooley 1912 mirror Pygmalion Effect Living up to the labels that other people put Society on us family teachers etc o Explanation o The web of social relationships humans create with friends Exists prior to individuals we re born into it Created by individuals interacting Creates individual selfs Particular others significant others parents friends spouse Generalized others society as a whole Research related to SIT Mind Self and Society 1934 Chicago School U of Chicago o Mead and Blumer Iowa School U of Iowa New Iowa School o Carl Couch Irving Goffman 1967 1974 LaRossa o Manford Kuhn 20 statements test Evaluation of SIT Main Criticisms Scope too broad Precision Ignores important concepts o Self esteem evaluation of self Intentional How does SIT Define Comm Correspondence Successful Ethical Honest Symbolic actions Cognition thought perception Human to human 05 03 2014 07 59 00 Questions to ask about theories of comm Presented in class How does the theorist define comm What is are the goal s of theory What are the theory s concepts and explanations How has the theory example you just move in with your roommate as a freshman and you both decide to sit down and create rules together If one is studying and the other wants to be social the one studying will get to stay or there s a study room down the hall Based on this conversation you come up with whatever the rule is 05 03 2014 07 59 00

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UMD COMM 250 - Symbolic Interaction Theory

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