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What are the concepts of quality management that you have observed in your organization or previous organization Describe each The quality management I have observed within my organization is how the owners have chosen their management Each department has a director who oversees the operations of their staff Within each department we have policies and procedures for every employee We have a company web site to reference to should any questions arise during day to day operations At the home page we have the many items we sell and manufacture We also have different tabs for every department and all the employees who are in that particular department You can click on each department tab and it will give you a description of what every department handles Every department has their own page and within the page there are tabs describing all that particular department does If you cannot find the information you are looking for we also have help lines assigned to every department as well The web site is very informative Under the HR tab you can find every form pertaining to time off requests health insurance forms 401K forms education reimbursement forms and the list can go on All of the policies and procedures of each department is on their own page as well We all wear different hats so not all procedures will be the same We also have a page dedicated to individuals who wish to advance their knowledge and attend pump school filtration school visit the many branches across the United States The company also offers wellness programs where you can get reimbursed for participating in what we call our healthy roads Log onto healthy roads and take quizzes questionnaires or attend workshops for blood pressure and so on I have been with the company since July of 2010 but was hired on as a full time employee in December Today I was on the web site exploring and found so many questions of mine answered I knew about the different departments and a little bit of what they did but after reading today I have been enlightened even more How appropriate to be able to answer this question Response 2 Quality management is very important when planning and implementing a continuous improvement process in any organization The approaches that I have seen focus on satisfying the customer expectation and helping to identifying the problems that may occur Quality management is used to help build the trust of the customer and help us to promote open decision making among our co workers When quality management is in place the process and techniques that are use should be able to show what it is that is expected from the company through flow charts and check sheets to help gather the data about the activities in the organization I have been asking myself this question all week What is Quality Management and how is it working on my job Quality Management is the establishment of policies and procedures that help generate a profit and are cost effective to an organization Quality management deals with the financial growth of our organization My organization realizes quality management when we are fully staffed with the right members and are able to invest in the advance of the company professionally With this concept of Quality management I think that a company is bound to be around for many years to come

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