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Performance Management Presentation University of Phoenix HCS 451 Introduction Common problems encountered by Cardiology Association Acquired relevant information required of decision making Common tools used to enhance decision making Challenges that may be encountered in making risk management and quality management decisions Cardiology Associates Staff The Heart Team Specializes in Administrative Staff Vance Chunn CEO Administrator Doreen Harrison CFO Director of Finance Ryan Beale COO Director of Operations Cheryl Ferguson Director of Scheduling Donna Shamp Operations Manager Baldwin County Siri Johnson Director of Human Resources Virginia Jeffries Director of Marketing Emily Arellano Business Office Manager The Process of implementing changes within the organization administrati on PATIENT S Department al managers Physicians Entry level employees Common Problems Striving for non stop improvement not only through quality but also through organizational learning Identify the approach for obtaining physician participation and leadership Meet the challenges of new situations Dissemination and Implementation Departmental wide Quality and Risk Management guidelines are followed Policy and procedures are followed Decision Making Tools Evidence based guidelines Standard risk assessment Flexibility in standardized care plans Computerized alert programs Acquired Information For Decision Making Democratic Style Leadership Using Scientific Evidence From Clinical Application and Research Monitoring and Comparing Results Challenges in Risk and Quality Management Decision Making Patient safety Implementation of event reporting system Compliance with Medicare and secondary payer guidelines Effects of recession and economy Responding Tools for Emergencies The role of personal mastery Promote the concept of shared vision Develop protocols Chain of Command Challenges Faced in This Project Decentralizing the organization building relations in rural areas for cardiac services Understanding is another challenge most likely the largest challenge Team Decision Define the problem Gather information and resources List options Weigh compare options Make a decision Make a plan of action Evaluation the decision Continuous Quality Management Continuous Improvement CI Initiatives Benefits of Continuous Quality Management Challenges of Continuous Quality Management Conclusion Common problems encountered by Cardiology Association Acquired relevant information required of decision making Patient and employee safety Following a chain of command References Bernett R Nentl N 2010 January Opinions and Expectations About Continuous Improvement Programs The Journal for Quality and Participation 32 4 35 38 ECRI Institute 2011 News Release Retrieved from https www ecri org Press Pages Top Risk Management Challenges 2010 aspx Friedman R Haas S February 2011 Strengths and Limitations of Standards of Care to Guide the Orthopedic Surgeon in VTE Prevention Orthopedics Online 34 2 121 128 Retrieved from http search proquest com ezproxy apollolibrary com docview 851767973 accountid 35812 Cardiology Associates 2006 Cardiology Associates of Mobile Retrieved from http www cardassoc com Carroll R L 2009 Risk Management Handbook for Health Care Organizations Retrieved from the University of Phoenix eBook Collection database McLaughlin C Kaluzny A 2006 Continuous Quality Improvement in Healthcare Retrieved from the University of Phoenix eBook Collection

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UOPX HCS 451 - Performance Management Presentation

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