Canon core classic books important texts Film vs Theatre o Advertising o Visual special effects o Cost cheaper to go to a movie o Perfectionism o Accessibility Why don t we go to theatre often o Expensive o Not convenient plan in advance theater isn t close by o Requires more concentration than movies o Movies turn over more quickly than plays o Actor recognition knowing a movie star vs a theater star o We talk about film more than we do theater o Graying of the American audience theater audiences are getting older and aren t being replaced by younger audiences older people are more likely to be viewers Why do we study theater o Historically relevant it is one of the oldest forms of art o It s an art form part of cultural literacy o It s universal all cultures have theater o Theatrical impulse innate mimetic desire desire to imitate in humans o The language of theatre helps us understand how we organize life Theater must have be definition of theatre o A performer actor o An audience o A text not always written following an action o Liveness o Ephemeral theatre is fleeting and impermanent so you can never recapture a show from the past shortlived you can never experience the same thing twice which makes theatre a very difficult study o Aesthetic not efficacious Communication interaction model o Sender message receiver o Receiver feedback sender Theatre o requires action o requires a space o uses actors people who impersonate o relies on liveness o is a hybrid form it requires spoke word art and architecture because there are so many different components it is a collaborative art Theatrical conventions rules or shorthand that the audience agrees to accept Ex men playing parts of women or when the curtain goes down and then up to show darkness which would mean night time Willing suspension of disbelief although we know the events of the play are not real we agree for the time that we re in the theater not to disbelieve them Aesthetic distance we remember that events on stage are not real so we don t intervene
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