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Exam 3 Topic 9 Theme 1 What is a subculture A subculture is a group of people with their own distinct culture that distinguishes or differentiates them from the dominant mainstream culture as well as other subcultures o Can be based around Generation Class Music Culture Gender Style Religion Ethnicity Location Sport Risk A defining feature of today s subculture is the proximity to risk o Examples include trekkies hippies fascists etc Insider outsider status o The degree to which an individual exemplifies the various subcultural commonalities determines their perceived subcultural authenticity insider status and group membership Boundaries are formed thought a commitment to and expression of o Values and ideas o Personal style o Cultural preferences o Language codes and expressions o Bodily practices and behavior Types of sport subcultures o Spectator supporter based subcultures o Participant based subcultures mainstream culture o Counter culture o Resistant culture o Deviant culture o Incorporated culture Roller Derby Subculture Members of subculture define their identity with their relationship of difference from o CLIP 1 Texas Roller Derby Roller derby is oppositional to the mainstream values in Texas of women and their role in sport o Stands against the views of femininity Gay Rugby the idea of masculinity heterosexuality o Progressive Political Resistance Theme 2 Althernative Lifestyle sporting subcultures o Clip 2 Works against masculinity in sport Goes against assumed heterosexuality and Mainstream sports are seen as a way to turning the body into a productive entity o PE is a disciplinary institution to train healthy productive and obedient citizens Team sports disciplining function o Playing according to social rules and regulations o Learning cooperation and teamwork o Acknowledging and accepting role o Suppression of individual in favor of collective good o Conforming to leadership and authority o Exposure to competition and competitive ethos Sport teaches us how to use our bodies and also who we are and how we should conduct ourselves in social settings Counter culture sports o Sandlot baseball versus little league baseball Little league is adult centered and formal and regulated whereas sandlot is more creative informal and impromptu Californian sports lifestyle sports o Creative o Athlete centered o Non competitive o Un regulated o Expressions of youthful alternative physicality Lifestyle sports are more individual and creative Sources of subculture capital and subculture status o Sporting prowess o Commitment o Equipment o Subcultural style Theme 3 Risk Subcultures Pursuing Excitement and Adventure One of the most prevalent aspects is the proximity to risk o Risk sport possibility of serious injury or death o Adventure sports deals more with the place that the adventure is taking place Setting is demanding challenging dangerous or exotic Ulrich Beck s Risk Society o How we live our lives is in relation to risk o Culture of caution and control Increased focus on Identifying risk Avoiding risk Managing and controlling risk Low Control Pre Modern Society o Relatively low levels of control and regulation o High levels of freedom autonomy and insecurity o Life was more precarious and exciting High Control modern society o Complex and high levels of control and regulation o Low levels of freedom autonomy and high level of conformity safety and security o Life is more predictable The paradox of Post Modernity o During the day there is the rational safety seeker o By night the irrational thrill risk seeker Used to off set the rational day Climbing subculture o You have to be a good climber to be a climbing insider Differentiated from the occasional or risky climber and the general public Clip 4 The Quest for Excitement endurance running o Pushing your body and the capacity to do things The middle upper class are not the only ones involved in risk sport o Parkour free running Working class Clip 5 Talks about how we use our bodies in ways the redefine the environment and our relation to it The ways in which the working class can transform your space into a creative space and construct and identity for yourself Clip 6 The thrill is from the proximity to death and the oppositional status of the act Positives for risk o Freedom o Control o Individual expression o Self actualization o Personal fulfillment o Transcendence Theme 4 Surfing Subculture Insiders and Outsiders Localism and territorialism marks out geographically defined surf subculture who look to protect their surf from tourists Clip 7 National Localism in the North Shore of Hawaii who are trying to protect their surf Kala Alexander protector of the break Theme 5 Cycle Messengers Work Based Subcultures Most sporting subcultures are separate from work and focus more on leisure Leisure time has become increasingly more important in defining individual identity Cycle Messengers are a subcultural grouping that transcends differences between work and non work work and leisure o Defined through work rather than standing in contrast to work Clip 8 Alleycat Racing replicates messenger skills Participants race from check point to check point Theme 6 The conquest Colonization of Subcultural cool Skateboard subculture a culture of freedom expression and resistance o Reclaiming the street Skateboarding has been highly commercialized and is a competitive cultural sporting mainstream thereby compromising its alternative status o Skate shoes x games etc Clip 9 overt forms of commercialized alternative and adventure sports Yoga surfing cycling etc has become commercialized Yoga subculture divide o Spiritual becomes secular o Sacred is profane o Mental wellness becomes physically fitness o Transformation is commercialization Yoga is no longer an escape but it is now a way to practice a physical lifestyle Topic 10 Theme 1 Physical Culture and the Neoliberal city Baltimore as the Archetypal Neoliberal City The Urban Nation 80 7 of people live in Urban areas Post War Economic and Social Change in American Cities o Depopulation movement of large portion of urban population to suburban areas o Deindustrialization decline of traditional city based and large scale workforce manufacturing industries Core Tenets of Neoliberalism o Don t waste public money on social welfare programs o Provide more money to individuals through lessening the tax burden o Develop corporate friendly anti union climate trickle down economics o Privatization of

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