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Psych 101 Exam 1 review 04 15 2014 Sensation and perception what s the difference Sensation how our sense organs receive and transmit information Perception how the brain processes and interpret information Sensation basics Transduction physical stimuli are translated into nerve impulses Psychophysics definition o Broadly concerned with 2 different perceptual sensitivities Sensation difference threshold Sensory adaptation o We become less sensitive to an unchanging stimulus the longer that we re exposed to said stimulus Sensation vision Retina contains light sensitive visual receptor cells vital to vision o Cones o Rods Perceive color Function best in bright light Perceive brightness Function best in low light Optic nerve cones and rods Bipolar cells Ganglion cells Optic When light waves hit the retina rods and cone translate this energy into nerve impulses via photopigments nerve Visual transduction Dark adaptation Vision Color Dual process theory Trichromatic theory o Cones respond to photopigments that are sensitive either blue green or red wave length Opponent process theory o Cells outside of the cones respond to either red green opponent processes blue yellow or black white Vision color blindness Trichrmats full color vision Dichromat Monochromat Vision analyzing and reconstructing visual scenes From eye s to brain o Retina optic nerve Thalamus primary visual cortex visual association cortex Primary visual cortex o Feature detectors neurons that fire responses to only specific characteristics Visual association cortex Memories and knowledge help us to combine and interpret visual stimuli Perception How the brain process and reviews information Perception attention Inattentional blindness failure to consciously perceive unattended Stimuli related to fear threats or danger are especially likely to be Perception Gestalt Principles Similarity stimuli perceived Proximity Closure o Law of similarity If parts of a whole are perceived as similar then they are going to be perceived as a whole o Law of proximity When parts are located closest together then they are more to be considered as a whole o Law of closure Complete an open figure in order to be able to see it as a whole o Law of continuity Linking individual components in a form of a pattern in order to achieve a continuous pattern Corpus callosum a neural link between the 2 hemisphere Laterization the relatively greater localization of a function in 1 o Conducted on the people with severe corpus collosa o Input on the right side is sent to the left hemisphere Continuity The brain Laterization hemisphere The split brain Right and left functions Right o Facial recognition o Mental imagery o Spatial reactions o Music and artistic abilities o More negative emotions associated with right side Left o speech o Verbal o Mathematical o Logic o More positive emotions associated with left side o Aphasia partial or total loss of the ability to communicate can occur on the left side of brain Brain plasticity Neural plasticity the ability of neurons to change structure and function Effects of early experience o Exposure to harmful substances in womb o Stimulating environment o Cultural factors Neurons can modify themselves in 2 ways STRUCTURALLY o Sprouting enlarged networks of dendrites o Extending axons from durving neurons Biochemically Endocrine system o Increasing neurotransmitter volume hormone secreting glands o Hormones chemical messengers Secreted from the glands into the blood stream Slower widespread messages o Pituitary gland o Adrenal glands produce and secrete about 50 different hormones Regulate many metabolic processes within the body 04 15 2014 04 15 2014 04 15 2014 04 15 2014

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UW PSYCH 101 - Exam 1 review

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