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REL2300 July 24th Islam is the religion and Muslim means the one who believes in the religion of Islam It is the second largest religion in the world o There are about one billion Muslims in the world The Muslim World Comprised of 1 22 Arab Countries 20 of Muslim population Among countries largest is 2 Largest segment of Muslim population is in Indo Pakistan subcontinent 3 Indonesia is the largest Muslim country 4 Iran Turkey Afghanistan each has 50 million 50 million and 40 million 5 Five Republics of former Soviet Union Egypt 200 million 200 million 100 million 140 million 50 million 6 China 50 million 100 million 7 Africa Nigeria Ghana Kenya Comprised of diverse groups of people o Race ethnicity languages local customs and traditions United by the religion of Islam o Evidenced in performance of Pilgrimage to Mecca by Muslims o Ex Malcolm X o Afghani Symbol of Islam is Shahada Islam Islam Islam Islam means submission to the will of God Monotheistic religions falls within Judaic Christian tradition The Children of Abraham o Jews Christians and Muslims o Origins of Islam traced through son Ishmael o Animal sacrifice relates to willingness to sacrifice his soon God of Jews Christians Muslims are same o He is Jahweh in Judaism o Theos Greek o Deos Latin o Allah Arabic o El Elohim in Hebrew 1 Monotheistic 2 Prophets 3 Scripture Qu ran 4 Day of Judgment 5 Heaven and Hell Similarities and Differences between Islam and Juadism Christianity Heaven a geographical place Paradise Hell also a place 6 Angels and Lucifer 7 Jesus in Judaism Christianity and Islam In Islam a Prophet not God incarnate Huries Arabia Before Muhammad At the time before Muhammad was born 1 They were idols worshipers It is said there were 360 pagan gods Some goddess were cherished highly they are a al Lat b al Manat c al Uzz 2 Used to hold on to customs of forefathers had tribal mentality Were very conscious of their last name held patriarchal identity 3 Used to drink heavily 4 Carried on fights and battles against each other for generations 5 They used to practice usury 6 Slavery was not uncommon amongst them Muhammad Born in 570 C E in the city of Mecca Dead in 632 C E in Medina Yathrib Father Abdallah died 6 months before Muhammad was born Mother Amina died when he was about 6 years old Who raised him Born in most prominent tribe of Mecca named Quraysh Little known about childhood except was shy withdrawn never practiced idol worship Started his career as a caravan driver for a great businesswoman Khadija Muhammad worked until he was about 25 years old Khadija found him to be very diligent hardworking and honest Therefore she proposed herself into marriage with him At time of marriage she was 40 years old 15 years senior to him Muhammad received first revelation through angel Gabriel at age 40 while meditating in the cave Hira Angel Gabriel asked him to recite Muhammad said o I do not know how to recite When Gabriel repeated request 3 times Muhammad started reciting This first revelation Chapter Sure is called Recitation Chapter iqra Started preaching of One God equality among slaves masters and poor rich As a result the Meccans became enemies of Muhammad and told him to give up TWO IMPORATNT INCIDENTS MUST BE NOTED 1 Even if you make me king of Mecca I would not give up the message of one o P 434 435 denounced usury his message God 2 The Satanic Verses When the Meccans started giving roubles to early believers and Muhammad he left Mecca and went to Medina where Jews and Christians used to reside He immigrated in year 662 A D This is year Muslims started their calendar year From Medina Muhammad and early followers carried out several battles against o Finally able to conquer Mecca in 630 A D Thereafter Muhammad dies at the age of 62 in the year 632 Qur an is Arabic word meaning recitation or that which is going to be recited Equivalent to Greek word biblos book which we have the word Bible the one o Hijra Meccans The Qu ran Koran sacred book Many Muslims 5 000 000 or about 0 5 of the Muslim population can recite the whole Qur an from memory In general all Muslims can recite some portions of the Qur an as they are required to read it in their prayers Written in poetic language this Qur anic language is still the modal exemplary style for great writers poets in Arabic language Assembled after the death of the Prophet Muhammad during time of third Caliph leader of the Muslim nation whose name is Uthman There are 114 Suras chapters Some are very short others very long Suras arranged according to length in general not chronological order as revealed to prophet Muhammad We have historical records as to when these Suras were revealed and their backgrounds Two kinds of Suras 1 Meccan Suras 2 Medinan Suras The Suras Main Themes of Meccan Suras Deal with the basics of Islam Meccan Suras are generally shorter more powerful and more poetic Medinan Suras are longer but less powerful or poetic o God is one There is but one God Allah and Muhammad is his prophet o The day of judgement o Five Pillars of Islam Profession of faith Shahada Prayers salat Face Mecca recite bow Fasting in the month of Ramdam saum Almsgiving or charity zakat Pilgrimage hajj Kabah large black stone in Mecca Main Themes of Medinan Suras These deal with ethical social and political aspects of Islam 1 Laws regarding marriage and divorce 2 Laws regarding inheritance 3 Constrains on slavery 4 Restrictions on drinking 5 Politically Muslim society ruled according to guidance provided in Qur an 6 Economics based on concept of social welfare The Qur an Shari a The Qur an is considered by Muslims an outstanding miracle Why 1 It is written in poetic form which is unmatchable o Muslims feel that no one is able to imitate it 2 Muhammad never had formal schooling o Did not know how to read or write in spite of that he delivered the book o Must be divinely inspired revelation of God Muslims believe it is word by word given to Muhammad from God through angel Gabriel Means Islamic law or Islamic Jurisprudence Muslims should follow the Islamic law in conduct of life Source of Islamic Law 1 Qur an primary source 2 Hadith Tradition o It is defined as what the prophet Muhammad said did Sunna and approved or disapproved of o General consensus of people of 3 generations after death of prophet o Deduction or logical inference by analogical reasoning 3 Ijma Muhammad 4 Qiyas Sunni and Shi ite Sects 85 Sunnis 15 Shi ites Both believe in same basics of Islam Main differences are

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