Building Theory 2 24 2014 26 02 2014 19 31 00 Building theory Three stages model of communication inquiry The building blocks of theory How to build theories Testing theory How to evaluate theory A three stage model of communication inquiry Stage 1 observing communication phenomena o Ask appropriate questions Stage 2 discovering theoretical explanations Stage 3 test theoretical explanations theories as tools in problem solving consider problem when choosing theory o to cut a tomato use a sharp knife o to cut up a chicken use a meat cleaver o to cut down a tree use a chain saw theory guides what you see and the conclusions you make Theories are Abstractions represent reality but not reality in and of itself o General enough to apply to specific concrete events Constructions we build theories o Theories are not going to be perfect but we can change them Building blocks of theory Concept Explanation Conceptualizing Start with concrete events Group similar events into categories Label categories ex concept Define concepts explanation identifies relationships among concepts answers question s why and or how relies on principle of necessity principle of necessity a logical force that makes a particular outcome necessary o if x occurs y will happen three types o casual necessity explains events in terms or cause and effect high communication apprehension causes verbal influence o practical necessity behavior seen as intentional action o logical necessity theories are elaborate explanatory designed to achieve goals frameworks linked by logic 26 02 2014 19 31 00 26 02 2014 19 31 00
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