Exam 1 Study Guide COMM 250 Exam 1 Study Guide I Defining Communication A Issues in Defining Comm What do we think it is What are all the issues We need to remain logically consistent and we need to differentiate comm vs other fields of study ie psychology sociology Intentional Doesn t have to be You cannot not communicate As long as some meaning was received comm took place Text Quote Historically the communication field has supported the idea that all behavior is communication However deeming all behavior as communication causes a dilemma in distinguishing the difference between communication and behavior Thus a more specific ideal would be that All behavior is communication in interactive situations Correspondence Does encoded message decoded message Some say yes some say no Successful Does its persuasion be successful Should we study subjects that aren t ethical or honest Ethical Honest Symbolic Actions Should we assume all phenomena represent some message call for action Cognition Thought Perception Interpersonal ideas thoughts etc Is that communication too Do plants animals aliens also communicate We only study Human Communication B Definition of Communication Class Definition A process in which individuals use symbols to establish and interpret meaning in their environment Symbols verbal nonverbal Process no beginning or end environment context C Importance of Defining Comm We want to make sure people understand our field and what we are trying to accomplish with communication To legitimize our field Limit the scope D Models of Communication Process see powerpoint slides or Google Images for reference Know 3 different models components of models what interactional model added what transactional model added provide examples and identify examples of these models happening in real life i Linear one way ii Interactional Interplay adds feedback field of experience iii Transactional Interpersonal adds simultaneous sending and receiving of messages mutually responsible for meaning creation everything takes place in a context E Types of Noise External construction noises music visual distractions etc Psychological bias stubbornness predisposition etc Physiological tired sick hungry blind etc Semantic slang unknown language difficult vocabulary etc F 7 Communication contexts 1 Intrapersonal With yourself Impression formation and decision making symbols and meaning observation and attribution ego involvement and persuasion 2 Interpersonal Relationships w other s development establishment maintenance Relationship control interpersonal attraction Interdependence between individuals 3 Small Group 3 or more ppl w common purpose Gender and group leadership group vulnerability groups and stories group decision making task difficulty 4 Organizational With a hierarchy Culture and organizational life employee morale opinions and worker satisfaction 5 Public Rhetoric Persuasion communication apprehension delivery effectiveness speech and text criticism ethical speechmaking popular culture analysis Use of media affiliation and television programming television and values media and need fulfillment effects of social networking sites culture and rule setting culture and anxiety hegemony ethnocentrism 6 Mass Media 7 Intercultural 8 Health Because it s Dr Hubbard s field of study Public service announcements II Introduction to Theory A What is Theory Theory Any conceptual representation explanation of a phenomenon this is littlejohns definition Abstract label representing something in the real world B Difference between theory model taxonomy Model Simplified representation of reality Shows temporal order what comes first second third relationships between concepts Represents Concept s Both Littlejohn and Smith would consider a model a theory Taxonomy Conceptual representation of categories of phenomena Organized List of Concepts Littlejohn considers taxonomy a theory Smith would not John Smith says that a theory must be an explanation We want to explain the relationship between two or more cases of a phenomenon Lil jon s definition is more broad because he believes that both a model and a taxonomy are theories C Goals of Theory Most theories have a particular goal o To Describe To Understand What Put in an intelligible frame o To Explain How and or Why o To Predict o To Control Individual Behavior Social Change So What is a Communication Theory A way to describe explain predict and or control human communication behavior D Metatheoretical Assumptions Summary of World View Goals of Theory Social Empirical Scientist Discovering reality universal laws X Y Relationships Understanding the world Explain predict sometimes control no social change Humanist Studying negotiation of meaning between people People make goal oriented choices in their behavior depending on social context Understand explain control social change Only rhetoricians want social change The average humanist only wants to observe and explain Social change is different than individual change Methods used to build test Theory SOCIAL SCIENTIST HUMANIST Ontological Assumptions 1 Behavior is not 1 Behavior is a choice Whether comm happened or not what it looks like in the real world 1 Is comm a conscious choice 2 Individual or social experience finding common understanding goal 3 Does comm experience depend on context Epistemological Assumptions How do we know things How should we learn about comm 1 Can knowledge exist before experience if so theorists job to find it 2 Can knowledge be certain 3 How is Knowledge acquired a Mentalism Rationalism b Empricism c Constructivism d Social Constructivism 1 ppl negotiate meaning culturall y experience learning 4 Is knowledge conceived in parts or wholes a choice beyond our control predictable 2 We study individual responses to stimuli even if stimuli is from another person 3 no Context There are still undiscover ed phenomen a 2 Certain 3 Experience Observatio ns research experimen ts Empiricism Research studies observatio ns goal oriented not predictable 2 Behavior depends on social rules 3 Behavior depends on context setting relationship etc 2 Not Certain 3 Experience Interpreting Text a Created by the researcher b Mentalism Ration alism Knowledge acquired via thinking own experiences interpretati ons c Constructivism 1 No learn by experience 1 No learn by Experience 4 Parts Axiological Assumptions The value of research 1 Should research theories be value free 2 Does inquiry studying influence
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