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10 17 2012 ADPR Digital Face Tracking Use Motion Tracking on facial expression Greater Realism o Ex Avatar Turn Back toward staging Much more expensive and difficult Greater realism Gee Whiz value o Ex Recent Old Spice Campaign Video Production Making video ads o Creative Scripts storyboard o Outside production company does everything else Ads and Representations o Represent Fantasy as realistically as possible o Analog film editing prosethetics animation o Digital CGI morphing time slice motion tracking Turn back towards creating staging ADPR Montage 10 17 2012 Organization Montage Definition Examples Organizations Headline Visual Pitch Story Montage Montage Sequence of images Not a linear single story o All relate to each other through a thematic thread o Share common key message theme o Disjointed but fluid o All relate to the creative concept Fluid intuitive Tagline voiceover or action at end pays off key message Variation1 Combine with Pitch Voice Overs states general claim Character Crucial Ex o Bank of America This is America Going through doors o Wrangler Variation 2 Combine with story Defined characters Snippets from different situations o Ex CANAL The Predigree Adoption Dentyene Orange Weds Variation 3 Solely images and music o No story or defined characters o Music has key importance Ex o Unusual Character in daily scenes and places Mercedes Car montage Public Service Govt Corruption Nike football Organization Montage Sequence of images or scenes o Linked by shared theme o Pay off at end Variations Combine with pitch Soryt Solely muic an dimages ADPR 2 EXAM BOOK NOTEs 10 17 2012 Chapter 8 Television Pros Majority of US population has TV 99 Reach Combination of color sounds and motion offers creative flexibility for virtually any product message Extremely efficient for reach mass audience Advertisers are able to provide a local or regional component to nation tv schedules Digital tv opened more opportunities for advertising and programming Cons Short lived and easily forgotten message forgotten without expensive repetition Audience is fragmented and skewed toward lower income consumers Viewing time decreases as income increases Short spots contribute to commercial clutter With remote control use DVR VCR the amount of time spent viewing commercials has decreased greatly TV connects an emotional basis with the viewing audience and makes them part of the event they are watching really captures them Credible and entertaining medium TV is moving from mass medium to niche medium Tv is moving toward interactivity with the audience to combat the appeal of the internet must expand audience by taking advantage of internet Television As An Advertising Medium Advertising is a major part of the television business Commercial tv programming decisions are rarely made on the basis of aesthetics entertainment value or which news personality is most credible These are merely vehicles for pricing delivering the real product in the television business Federal Communication Commission The federal authority empowered to license radio television stations and to assign wavelengths to stations in the public interest TV is a primary medium because of its high household penetration offering creative flexibility not found in any other medium o Lots of formats and reaches all kinda of people 24 hour Limitations of Television medium o Cost Television is a costly advertising medium but at the same time it is still very cost efficient for businesses need to reach large numbers of people than print o On a CPM basis television commercials are less expensive It is important to consider not only the cost of television time but also the cost of production costs associated with commercials Clutter A proliferation of commercials in a particular medium This reduces the impact of any single message Not only has the total nonprogram time increased but also the number of commercials has grown with shorter spots which leads to perception of clutter Possible solution advertisers allowed to buy all commercial time within a specific programs sponsored shows with limited ads The Rating Point System Rating Point The percentage of television households or specific demographic groups in a market that a television station reaches with a program The percentage varies with the time of day o How many TV households are tuned into this show o Program Audience Total TV Households x 100 Gross Rating Points Each rating point represents one percent of the households having television sets in the area Measures the weight of the schedule cost effect o Measured by multiplying insertions by ratings because advertisers buy packages of television time rather than program by program Cost Per Rating Point Estimates the cost of television advertising on several shows o Cost of schedule of commercials GRP Share of Audience particular program The percentage of households using television tuned into a Used to determine the success of a show Share percentage of households using watching tv HUT Total HUT x 100 The Many Faces of Television Each of the various segments of the TV medium has its own advertising pricing structure programming target audience and rating expectations o Ex Syndicated TV Network TV Sports TV Cable The medium boasts diverse advertising opportunities due its largely fragmented audience even in households everyone has a different preference Network Television Interconnecting stations or the simultaneous transmission of television or radio broadcasts declining shares Key elements necessary to understand television networks as an advertising medium Clearance And Affiliate Compensation o Networks sell national advertising on the basis of station clearance o Clearance The percentage of network affiliates that have agreed to clear their schedules for network programming o Clearance rates are crucial to the economies of smaller networks as it helps them reach larger masses The system through which networks share o Compensation advertising revenues with their affiliates in return for using local station time for their programs o Issue rising programming costs lower audience rates who who be paying stations or networks Network Ownership Concentration of broadcast and cable ownership very large parent companies own multiple mediums which raises concerns o Restrains the free flow of media o Lack of competition affects ad rates o Restricted content due to conglomerate nature of different networks and production companies under one

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UGA ADPR 3100 - Digital: Face Tracking

Type: Lecture Note
Pages: 54
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