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HIST 2057 Final Review Session 30 multiple choice 4 essay questions 2sections choose one Study later lectures instead of earlier one Multiple Choice Questions Reconstruction Lincoln lenient with ex confederates Lincoln assassinated Replaced with Johnson Only prominent southerner to support union Also very lenient Only 10 to swear allegiance Personal pardons for ex confederates Lots of backlash resentment against north in south Want to treat south like a concurred territory Congressional republicans dominated congress men in south can t vote radical republicans Send federal troops to south take control All southern states radical republican Freedman s bureau KKK try to intimidate African Americans to not vote resisting Republican rules comes to end Rutherford B Hayes knows he s going to lose tells southerners if they give him electoral votes he will end reconstruction Compromise of ended reconstructions 3 trends 1 Urbanization Gilded age 2 new technology street cars street lights Cities expanding Industrialization revolution robber barons companies used money and influence to change politics rise of lobbyism no govt over standards of work Mechanization assembly line Vertical integration company buys every stage of production horizontal integration Rockefeller bought every oil well in country monopoly Immigration from southern and eastern Europe Greeks Italians Before from northern Different religions Catholicism Judaism etc Urbanization Culturally Street car lets them move outward upper and middle class Poor and immigrants move into cities can t afford transportation Gospel of Wealth people with most aptitude will rise to society poor are poor for a reason character flaw keep in mind trends happen mostly in north north east south not as much change much poorer late 19th century very rural not as much urbanization no immigration really many are still sharecroppers some southern states still have some industrialization Birmingham steel Atlanta Coke Factory Culture of south doesn t change at all African Americans have no rights freed slaves living in bad conditions The West Indian wars tries resisting govt Tribes eventually get defeated because dependent on the buffalo army chasing them war of attrition put on reservation attempts to Americanize them ban customs and traditional culture Christianize them turn them into farmers etc west is growing from east for three reasons o Mining gold in California o 2 Cattle ranching o 3 Agriculture free and fertile land greatest reason for growth Industrialization changes industries remaining mineral wealth is deep in the earth companies can afford machinery to dig deep individual miners are no longer Cattle ranching becomes big company s profit because trains make it easier to transport cattle rather than herding Small farmers pushed out by firms that can afford tractors silos etc Last few decades of 19th Progressivism Progressives Progressivism Reaction to everything above problems with industrialization Urban educated middle class people trying to control personal lives change working conditions concerned with problems in society Opposite of Gilded age where only concerned gold standard and money Regulations on business Child labor laws trust busting breaking up monopolies breaking vice Storyville demolished prostitution prohibition and alcoholism nativism people from original colonists become fearful of immigrants from Europe Catholics radical ideology anarchism and socialism Desire for efficiency to better society stress education public education have to go could create good Americans civic values element of nativism new immigrants Democratization desire to make America more democratic spread evenly referendum voting popular votes directly on a measure direct election of senators petition presidency Teddy Roosevelt first modern resident progressive very proactive active in legislation Foreign policy imperialism western powers colonizing pursuing trade characterized by three things 1 Civilizing mission way to civilize primitive people 2 Business ventures economics grow sending troops to prop up American companies 3 Protection of missionaries Protestants non Christian places to convert them during Spanish American war annexes Hawaii WWI Us is neutral at first anti war sentiments Americans dragged into war by German submarine warfare sinking American ships Lusitania that were carrying supplies Two sides Central powers Triple entente 1917 join war tips balance towards allies side Woodrow Wilson 14 points Move to make world safer for democracy Self determination everyone has right to own country Facet of post war world Not very successful British Empire doesn t really want it Hungary Austria Poland etc rise to power so wasn t a total failure League of nations countries to work together Congress refuses Economy mobilizes unprecedented bureaus and boards to regulate industry govt has more control after war no plan to deregulate the structure Bad period of economy in immediate aftermath picks up during 1920s Shift in 1920s sick of proactive activist govt too many changes too fast and things moving too fast want a return to simpler times and old policies Republican decade and power get rid of oversight Economy doing very well stock market doing well rise of credit buying cars automobiles huge industry creates a big problem 1929 economy collapses Great depression no regulation too many stocks on credit bubble built on nothing Know that a lot of people out of work foreclosures homeless Hoovers response is lack luster doesn t think govt should be involved Want govt to take firm stand FDR elected promises radical solutions New Deal 3 R s Relief for poor and unemployed Recovery of the economy Reform of policies Series of massive govt programs mobilize unmarried young men building high ways bridges dams etc New deal slows comes to and end 1938 opposition in congress and republicans think moving too fast and spending too much money Begins 1939 WWII Germany invades Poland Britain and France join Poland Hitler concurs most Europe US neutral at first American hand force with Pearl Harbor bombed by japan American fights in Europeans theatre and allies win war ends by Truman dropping atomic bomb japan in Hiroshima and Nagasaki reasons for dropping 1 Thinks it is going save American lives not to invade 2 Wants to win war without help of Soviet Union and Stalin 3 Demonstration of American power war splits world into two sides Communists and Democrats After war

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