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Chapter 5 1 Recent reports discussing the population bomb a Indicate that the explosion is slowing 2 A one kiloton nuclear weapon exploded at ground level would destroy a About 1 square kilometer of a city 3 For an atomic bomb the number of doublings required is closest to a 80 4 An implosion type bomb is required for a A PU 239 5 Moore s law relates to a Computer chip capability 6 Which of the following does not represent exponential growth a Illness from anthrax 7 The statement that the Chernobyl accident will kill 24000 people is based on a The linear hypothesis 8 A moderator is something that a Slow neutrons 9 The dangerous radioactivity in fallout comes from a Fission fragments 10 Fallout is much worse if the bomb Is exploded near the ground a 11 A nuclear reactor cannot explode like a nuclear bomb because a The nuclear reactor depends on slow neutrons 12 According to the text the least bad place to put nuclear waste is 13 A breeder reactor is designed to produce a Underground a Plutonium 14 The number of nuclear weapons that the united states had was closest to a Ten thousand 15 PCR has been used to a All answers 16 The Hiroshima bomb used a Gun design 17 If the water moderator is lost from a nuclear reactor a The chain reactor will increase causing a reactivity accident 18 The material that might be reprocessed from nuclear waste is a PU 239 19 Which of the following is not a good example of the doubling law a Future population growth 20 The Canadian Candu reactors use a Deuterium 21 Plutonium can explode with fewer generations than can uranium because a Plutonium fission releases more neutrons 22 In a nuclear power plant the material that runs through the turbine is 23 The number of deaths from the Nagasaki bomb is estimated to be 24 The smallest container that could contain one critical mass of plutonium is a Steam a 50 000 150 000 a Coffee mug a Uranium a Calutrons 25 The bomb dropped on Hiroshima used as its fuel 26 Saddam Hussein planned to enrich uranium using 27 A centrifuge enrichment plant takes an area of about a One large classroom 28 PCR involves a DNA a Sr 90 29 One of the most dangerous radioactive materials from fallout is 30 The term China Syndrome refers to a The meltdown of the nuclear fuel 31 Depleted uranium is a useful substance because a An artillery shell made from it is very penetrating 32 PCR was used to learn about a The descendants of Sally Hemmings 33 Another name for the H bomb is a Thermonuclear bomb area of about 35 Cold fusion a The size of a college campus a Has been seen in laboratory experiments 36 At three mile island a Some of the uranium fuel melted 37 What distinguishes a breeder reactor from other reactors is that a It makes more fuel than it uses 38 Jupiter is not a star because a It isn t massive enough 34 A nuclear explosion similar to the one produced by North Korea would destroy an Chapter 6 1 Current is measured by a Amps 2 A volt is a measure of a Energy per electron 3 Magnetism comes from a Moving electric charge a The spin of electrons 5 Magnetic monopoles a Have never been found 6 Rail guns push the projectile using a Magnetic fields 4 In a permanent magnet the magnetism comes from 7 Tesla wanted to use a transformer to distribute electricity because a It decreased the current going through long wires to reduce the loss of electricity 8 You can demagnetize a natural magnet a By heating it above its curie point 9 What discovery now allows for headphones to be small and light a Rare earth magnets such as samarium colbat 10 Which of the following use or consist of permanent magnets a Transformers 11 Theoretically the earth should not have a permanent magnet in its core because 13 The earth flips its magnetism on average approximately a The interior is too hot 12 The earths magnetism comes from Iron in the crust a a Twice every million years 14 The north geographic pole of the earth a Is the south magnetic pole 15 Compasses point north because 16 Electricity will heat a wire if it has a High current a There are electric currents in the iron core of the earth 17 Static electricity occurs when two surfaces rub against each other and a Electrons flow fro one to the other 18 Europe uses higher voltage in homes because it a It creates less heat in home wiring 19 Lights and TV s in Europe tend to flicker because Europe uses a 50 hertz the united states uses 60 hertz 20 When an object loses some electrons it a Has a positive charge 21 To get a spark you normally need a High voltage 22 A fuse is used in a home to prevent a House wires from overheating 23 The earth s magnetic flips are used for a Geological dating 24 In a metal electrons a Can move freely a High current 25 The aspect of electricity that would make it most dangerous is high 26 A certain kind of generator uses its own electricity to strengthen its magnetic field Such a generator is called a a A Dynamo 27 The original superconductors were cooled with a Liquid helium 28 Room temperature superconductors a Have no practical applications 29 High temperature superconductors operate at approximately a 123 c temperature of liquid nitrogen 30 We use AC instead of DC because a Ac can use transformers 31 Topsy was executed with AC a To show the dangers of high voltage 32 Edison wanted a A power plant on every block 33 The current though a flashlight bulb is a About one amp 34 A stereo speaker produces sound by the force a Of a magnetic field on n electric charge a The wire is heated by electricity 36 A Tesla coil is a kind of a Transformer 37 Submarines can be detected by their a Magnetism 38 At the Curie temperature 35 The light from an ordinary light bulb comes from the fact that a Magnetism disappears 39 Most electric power is generated by a A wire moving through a magnetic field 40 What invention made it possible to change low voltage AC to high voltage AC a A transformer 41 To reduce losses from resistance electric power lines use a Very high voltage 42 An example of a transformer is a A tesla coil 43 Better motors and earphones have recently been made possible by a Stronger magnets 6 when two different waves pass through an opening of the same size which one Chapter 7 1 beats measure a the difference between two frequencies 2 waves tend to bend in the side a with slower wave velocity the fastest earthquake wave is the 3 4 the slowest earthquake wave is the a the P wave a the L wave a 2 5 …

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