New South 1877 1900 I The New South A Sharecropping 1 After the war the Southern economy was still struggling because most of the war took place in the south 2 The white planters keep the land both black and white sharecroppers tended the land and were paid with shares of the crops they tended 3 Some were tenant farmers and some were renters B Henry Grady The New South Creed 1 He wanted to diversify the crops of the south and bring in industrialization to the south 2 Five major points of New South Creed a State the South s Industrial Problem In the new industrial era the South couldn t compete as cotton producers with the North Southern leaders were too interested in politics before the war The Mind of the South southern men were lazy and not interested in working hard b Harmony with Northern Investors Doesn t do any good to relive the conflicts from before the war The South depended on Northern bankers to build up the South s economy c Change in priorities toward work money d Diversify Southern Agriculture e Harmony between races but keep white supremacy Needed harmony but needed to keep social and racial order that was already in place Blacks should not have the same political power as the whites Important if the South is going to have industrial success Cheaper labor would come from blacks blacks needed to know their place and be happy about it 3 Somewhat successful a Grady brought technology and progress to his area especially Birmingham iron factories b Founder of GA Tech c Investors in the North just exploited the South Just wanted to extract iron from Birmingham 4 Railroads came in much larger numbers to the South after Reconstruction 5 Biggest factories were textile factories 6 Only corporation was the American Tobacco Company James Duke 7 Investors in North somewhat exploit southern workers C North Carolina Cotton Mill Workers 1 Mill workers worked close to 13 hour days and got paid less than a dollar a day 2 Child labor some under 12 years old II The Age of Jim Crow Exodusters migrating black who went to the North After reconstruction redeemer governments try to remove the right to vote similar to homesteaders with sod houses for blacks wanted poor whites to think of poor blacks as enemies Jim Crow comes from a minstrel show in black face before the Civil War ocreated caricature of blacks omost famous was Jump Jim Crow A Prevention of Blacks from Voting 1 From 1890 1906 governments prevented blacks from voting a Poll Tax Anyone who wanted to vote had to pay b Grandfather Clause In order to vote you had to show that your grandfather was able to c Literacy Tests If you could not show you had a 5th grade education you had to prove you could read or write Whites were given simple sentences while blacks were given complicated tests In LA 130 000 blacks were registered to vote a Ten years later 1 300 blacks were registered to vote 80 000 white voters 2 also lost their right to vote at this time B Homer Plessy Only 1 8 black 1 Plessy v Ferguson 1896 a Response to Civil Rights Act of 1875 banned racial segregation in places b There were segregation laws in states and the USSC said that segregation of business was legal c LA required separate train cars for races in 1890 d LA blacks get Homer Plessy to fight against separate train cars He bought e a ticket on the white train and was arrested Judge Ferguson ruled it to be okay to have separate rail cars if the train doesn t go out of state f Plessy appealed it it went to USSC 1 Eight of nine justices agreed with Judge Ferguson 2 Said any institution can have segregation as long as the services they offer are separate but equal g John Marshal Harlan The one justice to vote against says the Constitution is color blind Doesn t believe things will be separate and equal C Ida Wells Barnett Lynching 1 Lynching Lynching was a way to keep blacks from acting out a b There was a public celebration and were reported on c Pictures of lynching were turned into postcards d Reinforced the social hierarchy of the Jim Crow South Ida Wells Barnett Protests a Lynching 1898 a Whites were planned to raid the colored grocery stores grocery store 2 owners hired security Police arrested the hired security for carrying weapons b Wells Barnett wrote this article to expose the horrors of lynching c She was not shy of being critical of whites d Memphis lynching Outraged people by saying that women actually wanted to sleep with the black men who were accused of raping them 3 Started an Anti Lynching Movement III The Populist Challenge Republican domination of elections Challenges of race relations in the South after slavery Helping working people organize and protest against industrialization A Farmer s Alliance In the big election of 1896 the working aspiration of the Populist party lost 1 2 Mostly made up of poor whites cotton farmers 3 Wanted to give federal aid to cotton farmers B People s Party Platform 1892 1 Their goal isn t just for cotton legislation they want political candidates 2 Embraced racial integration 3 Had candidates run in 1892 and 1896 4 5 1892 election won electoral college of 5 Midwest states 6 7 Failures of Populist Party Included the Colored Farmers Association Didn t convince majority of Americans a Was not able to join industrial alliances because they were a farmer s alliance 8 Tom Watson b Endorsed the Free silver Movement a 1896 Vice Presidential candidate for Populist Party b Campaigned on racial integration c Tell black and white farmers that if they don t join together they ll be taken advantage of separately C Panic of 1893 Coxey s Army D William Jennings Bryan 1 Democrat not a Populist 2 For the common man 3 Populist s realized they couldn t bring over industrial supporters so they supported the democratic candidate 4 Free Silver Movement 1896 a Until 1970s US was on the gold standard Paper money was worth an amount of gold instead of gold 1 b Free Silver Movement argued that economy should be based off of silver It would make it easier for farmers to pay off their debts if money was based on silver 5 Cross of Gold Speech a Bryan lost the election but he gave the most famous and popular speech b Businessmen should be people who earn wages any type of merchant of a Presidential election farmers miners c Working people should be businessmen d Criticizes businessmen who defend the cross of gold standard
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