REL2300 July 10th Ancestorship obedience to ancestors after death remembered by going to funeral maintain ceremonies rituals Yang Yin light and dark complement each other made up more of yin less of yang Exam II Overview II 1 What is syncreticism When you follow more than one religious tradition 2 Which religious traditions are native to China and Japan China Confucianism and Taoism Japan Shinto 3 When did Buddhism arrive in China and Japan China 180 time Japan 780 time 4 Origin of the words China and Japan and what do they mean China chongu center of the universe Japan nipong end of rising sun 5 Ancient Chinese Beliefs women made up more of yang less of yin men I Ching The Book of Changes 6 Original name of Confucius K ung Ch iu great teacher 7 Where and when was Out Confucius born Lou 551 B C 8 What was he by profession Tax collector 9 Main concepts of Confucianism Jen ren love for humanity literally man Li propriety etiquette Xiao respect of elders five relationships 10 Five relationships 1 Son should be obedient to his father 2 Younger brother obedient to elder father 3 Wife obedient to her husband 4 Friend obedient to friend 5 Citizen obedient to ruler 11 Lao Tzu and when was he born 600 B C founder of Daoism Taoism born after Confucius 12 Tao Te Ching 13 Meaning of Tao Tao and Its Powers teachings book of Lao Tzu The way or the path 14 Main characteristics of Tao Origin of everything It is transcendental It can find its way water metaphor Everything returns to Tao 15 Main differences between Taoism and Confucianism Confucianism concerned with society Taoism concerned with individuals Taoism spontaneity Confucianism obedience Confucianism practical down to Earth Taosim high thoughts 16 Meaning of the word Shinto The Way of Kamis spirits 17 Meaning of the word Kami Kami spirits 18 Nature of Kami Active in nature power of nature Can be good or evil Must be in harmony with the Kamis Everything is filled with Kamis 19 What is Torii Entrance to shrine 20 Myth of creation In the beginning there was nothing It was absolute chaos which somehow came to be resided by several Kamis From amongst these Kamis two of them became primordial or cosmic Kamis They are Izanami and Izanagi female who invites and male who invites 21 Main motifs in the Myth of Creation Motif Purification Rite purify by washing body wash body body is purified Motif Harmony with Kami Motif Japan is Heaven on Earth Motif Emperors sacred in Japanese religious tradition Izanami and Izanagi gave birth to other Kamis one being Fire Kami Izanamai was burned and became ugly and was embarrassed and went to underworld Izanagi looks for her gets dirty and takes a purifiying bath As Izanagi washes two spirits emerge 1 Sun Goddess Amatesaru 2 Moon God Tsukiyomi Jimmu the first emperor of Japan came from Sun Goddess As Izanagi left underworld his sword penetrated ooze ooze dropped becoming 4 main islands of Japan Fire Kami creates pollution and Evil and Izanagi keeps up with Fire Kami creating good 22 Why Japan and Emperor of Japan are considered sacred Because of the motif the islands of Japan are to be considered a paradise because they were created for the people of Japan by the Gods Emperor created the islands 23 How is purification rite done in Shinto By washing your face mouth
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