REL2300 July 18th Overview III Judaism and Christianity Part I 1 Who is a Jew Explain the terms Hebrew Israel and Judea Jesus Jude one who comes from Judea and identity in terms of land and religion Israel name given to Jacob means one who strives with God It is religious identity Hebrew the people and the language they speak Judea the southern part of ancient Palestine succeeding the kingdom of Judah a Roman province at the time of Christ 2 What is the importance of circumcision in Jewish faith An outward expression of devotion to god in Judaism 3 What possible connections exist between ancient Near eastern religions and early 4 Who is the founder of Judaism What does Abraham Israel and Yahweh Judaism mean Abraham founded Judaism Abraham the one that will multiply Israel one who strives with God Yahweh to exist or be alive 5 What was the covenant between Abraham and God Agreement and pact between Abraham and God that his people would worship only god and he would send prophets in return 7 What are the five books Pentateuch of Hebrew Bible What are their main 6 What is T N K Describe each part o Torah teachings o Nevi m prophets o Kethuwim writings themes 1 Genesis 2 Exodus o Story of creation of the World o Hebrew midwives were to kill all male children born the departure of the Israelites from Egypt 3 Leviticus 4 Numbers o Describes laws 5 Deuteronomy o The account of wanderings of Jewish tribes at various places o Death of Moses and describes the 10 Commandments 8 What is a synagogue When and how did they develop Meeting places to read the Torah and to worship communally praying simply and directly to God 9 What are the Ten Commandments The 10 laws given to Moses by God on Mt Sinani 1 I am the Lord thy God Thou shalt have no other gods before me 2 Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven images 3 Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain 4 Remember the sabbath day to keep it holy 5 Honor thy father and thy mother that thy days may be long 6 Thou shalt not kill 7 Thou shalt not commit adultery 8 Thou shalt not steal 9 Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor 10 Thou shalt not covet thy neighbor s house 10 Understand the importance of Moses in the Jewish History The Hebrew prophet who led the Israelites from Egypt across the Red Sea on a journey known as the Exodus received the Ten Commandments from God on Mount Sinai 11 Who were Saul David and Solomon The first king is Saul B C E o Tragic figure who commits suicide Thereafter comes David 1013 o Considered a prototype king of Jews o Had great aspiration to build the temple of Jerusalem Solomon o Son of David o Succeeds in building 1st home for Yahweh transforms with building 12 Who built the first Jewish temple And why was the second temple built First Temple Solomon 13 What does the word Talmud mean What does it deal with Considered the interpretation of Hebrew Scriptures by Rabbis to apply their principles rules and regulations to problems arising in everyday life 14 What were the four Judaic groups 1 The Sadducees o Members of the priestly class considered religious authority o Accepted only the Torah as scripture 2 The Pharisees 3 The Zealots 4 The Essenes o Focus on careful observation of Jewish laws and practice o Accepted wider number of books besides the Torah valued oral Tradition o Were against rule of Roman empire were nationalistic o Not content with present circumstances o Withdrew from society communal celibate life o Rejected animal sacrifice avoid meat and wine o Might have formed the Qumran Community as it indicates in the Dead Sea Scroll 15 Be familiar with the Jewish Holidays not covered in class Rash Hashanah head of the year celebration of the Jewish New Year occurring on the seventh lunar month Yom Kippur day of covering holiest day on Jewish calendar Day of repentance where Jews fast and pray for 25 hours and spend most of their day in the synagogue ending of the ten days of the New Year Sukkot shelters or booths late harvest festival temporary outdoor shelters were once used as a way of protecting crops in the fields Hanukkah dedication Feast of Lights recalls time when the Second Temple was rededicated and oil lamps burned miraculously for eight nights Purim lots recalls the divine protection given to Jews at the time of Esther and her uncle giving of food and money reading of the Book of Esther and a festive meal Pesach Passover Jews departure of Egypt Seder order Jewish ritual feast that marks the beginning of the Jewish holiday of Passover Christianity 1 Life of Jesus year of his birth Was he born a Christian When was he crucified 4 B C Conception in Nazareth Born in Bethlehem Born a Jew Crucified at age 32 25 26 C E Mark 2 Who wrote the four Gospels and what are their main themes and characteristics o Written in 65 70 C E o The shortest and simple o It speaks of Jesus as son of God and Messiah performed miracles and speaks of his public life o Ends with account of Jesus empty tomb Matthew o Written in 70 80 C E o The most charming Gospel o Portrays Jesus as New Moses o It speaks of his birth death and resurrection o Traces his genealogy to David Luke John o Written in 75 85 C E o Written for Greek audience o The Christianity for all and universal religion o He also traces Jesus genealogy to David o Written in 90 100 C E o Jesus is divine incarnation of God Jesus is Messiah o Made visible in human form 3 What are the Synoptic Gospels and which one is asynoptic Synoptic Gospels Mark Matthew and Luke saw eye to eye parallel Asynoptic John 4 What are the four Judaic groups Which group did Jesus most resemble The Sadducees The Pharisees The Zealots and The Essenes Jesus was from Essenes 5 What does the word Messiah mean How is it related to the word Christ Messiah means anointing a new king with olive oil a special messenger sent by God foretold in Hebrew Scriptures Christians believed him to be Jesus Christ is the Messiah according to the Christian religion 6 Genealogy of Jesus What do Luke and Matthew say Matthew Abraham to Jesus Luke Adam to Jesus 7 Understand Paul s teachings and the book of Revelations It is written to early Christians not to give up true faith in spite of their harsh persecution Suffering would be overcome and good will conquer evil Images and symbols are used o Lamb is Jesus o Dragon and Seven Heads are Roman Empire o The number 666 mark of beast is Nero 8 Paul and his Epistels his contentions regarding Jesus importance of Church in Christianity Paul
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