QUESTIONSOCIAL SCIENTISTHUMANISTDo humans make real choices No behavior is in respone to stimuli People will act acertain way and have no choice in acting that way Yes we use comm in real world to achieve goals OntologicalIs communication indvidual or social Individual They study individuals responses tostimuli Another person may cause the stimuli but itis still just a stimuliSocial They study the negotiation creation of meaningbetween people Either in conversation e g rules theorists or by interacting with text speeches view the author of thespeech as the other individual in the conversation Does context matter NOT contextualized If knowledge is certain and wecan predict then the context doesn t matter theyvestudied mel jumping on robecca gamack s shouldersso they believe she would do it again no matter whatthe context was because the knowledge that she ll doit is certain Contextualized Multiple meanings are acceptable based ontheorist s interpretation and context Mel will jump on peoplesshoulders in the sdt house but maybe not a frat houseCan knowledge exist beforeexperience Knowledge does not exist before experience Thescientist doesn t know anything until he or shediscovers it Based on observationKnowledge does NOT exist before experience the humanistcreates knowledge through interaction with text created by researcherEpistemologicalCan knowledge be certain Knowledge is certain Knowledge is NOT certain By what process does knowledgearise How is knowledge created Knowledge gained through observation empiricism Knowledge gained through mentalism constructivism and orsocial constructivism Knowledge doesNOT exist beforeexperience thehumanist createsknowledge throughinteraction withtextIs knowledge best conceived in parts orwholes Can study parts don t need to study whole collectively scientists understand the world i e theyadd up the parts Need to study the whole as in all the circumstancessurrounding the text and the text in its entirety Is research value free Research is value free Unbias observerResearch is not value free research reflects the values of theperson doing the research AxiologicalDoes the practice of inquiry influencethat which is studied The practice of inquiry does NOT affect the researchprocess b c knowledge is certain no matter whatquestions are asked The practice of inquiry DOES in some cases affect theresearch process Should research attempt to achievesocial change Research should not attempt to achieve socialchange Research CAN attempt to achieve social change Social Scientists test theories using a quantitativeapproach EX statistics surveys experimentsHumanists test theories using a qualitative approach EX analyze text converstional analysis interviews
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