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Consider the decision making process for risk management and quality management and answer the following questions 1 Which step in the decision making process do you think is most underutilized or difficult to complete What would you do to change it or make it easier 2 What information would you say is most overlooked when making risk and quality management decisions What do you think is the cause of this How would you remedy it Sometimes the person making the decision will not think it through all the way The decision making process is creating a constructive environment generating good alternatives exploring the alternatives choosing the best alternative checking to make sure you made the right decision and communicate your decision and take action on it The step that usually is not completed would be exploring alternatives I think people in today s society get rushed and they just want to get the job done Decision making is a thought process it does not need to be lengthy but you do need to put some thought into it If you make a quick decision you may regret it later on Take your time with this process and the ending result will probably be better and no risk will be involved The information I believe to be overlooked would be the core of the situation Most people do not really look into the why the decision needs to be made When making decisions there is always that uncertainty which sometimes leads to a risk By evaluating the risk which could be involved with the various options you will be able to determine whether the risk is manageable Consider potential consequences for each action Determine if your resources are adequate and if the solution matches the objectives and if the decision is likely to work in the long run Once you have found a remedy to the make sure to involve everyone who will be affected http www mindtools com pages article newTED 00 htm Response 2 When it comes to decision making I believe that people tend to not involve others in the decision making process When working in an organization everybody has to work together and be able to make the best decision for he organization as one Not involving employees can make the employee feel as if they are not apart of the organization Team work is the key and when making decision for an organization it is best to hear all possible solutions to better serve the organization How can one person make a decision for an entire organization not being able to see how all departments function When it comes to decision making I will involve all managers and supervisors because they are the ones who monitor the employees and know what is going on in the facility The information that I say is most overlooked from risk and quality management decisions are the fast approach to a situation Sometimes it takes a while to make a decision when it comes to quality and risk management Companies do not think of all possible outcomes that can arise before placing employees on the floor I have worked for some organizations that throw you on the floor your first day without any training and expect you to feel your way around to make things work This is what starts poor risk and quality management Employees should know all possible solution for risk and quality management The cause of this situation I believe is short staff or lack of training because of the cost I would offer training classes to all new hires and have them trained in risk prevention and quality measurement so they will know how to perform their job well and in case of any risk that may occur

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